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Meteorologist for a day

Classroom/Laboratory Activity

A classroom/laboratory activity to calculate the mean daily temperature using hourly temperature data and to compare different statistical techniques for determining this value.

Students will use a given data set to calculate the mean daily temperature of a location, as determined by a meteorologist. They will also discuss weather events that might affect the value of the mean daily temperature.

Use this tool to help your students find answers to:

  1. Given hourly temperatures over a 24-hour period for a particular location, calculate the mean daily temperature using different methods.
  2. Compare the results obtained from the different methods used (in 1.). Explain the reason for the similarity or difference in the calculated values of mean daily temperature.
About Tool
Tool Name Meteorologist for a day 
Discipline Mathematics and Statistics 
Topic(s) in Discipline Trend Analysis, Mean Median Mode, Introduction to Statistics, Range, Inter-quartile Range 
Climate Topic Climate Variability Record
Type of tool Classroom/Laboratory Activity
Grade Level High School
Location New Zealand
Language English
Translation      –
Developed by Lesley Mackintosh 
Hosted at National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand
Access Online/Offline
Computer Skills Basic


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