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Black Carbon and Human Health

Black Carbon and Human Health Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom activity that discusses the impacts of black carbon emissions on human health. This activity by the Science Education Research Center at Carleton College (SERC Carleton) demonstrates how the burning of fossil fuels and biomass-based fuels results in black carbon emissions contribute to global warming, and impacts […]

Hydrocarbon Combustion

Hydrocarbon Combustion Reading A reading that introduces hydrocarbons, fossil fuels, and the products of combustion of different hydrocarbons such as carbon dioxide- a greenhouse gas. Students will learn about the products of the combustion of different hydrocarbons. The reading includes an animation that shows the net reaction of hydrocarbon combustion. Students will learn to assess […]

The Carbon Footprint of Food

The Carbon Footprint of Food Game A game with flashcards that contain the carbon emissions (in gCO2e) of different foods. This game has been developed by GGDOT with Take A Bite Out Of Climate Change. A picture of the food item is on each card with the following categories: Emissions Water Fibre Calories Protein Driving […]

Carbon Pricing: Shadow and Market Prices

Impact of Climate Change on Carbon Pricing: Shadow and Market Prices Overview As an undergraduate Economics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach the concept of Carbon Pricing and the instruments to implement it- Carbon Tax and Cap-and-Trade/Emissions Trading System (ETS). This lesson plan includes a resource to help students understand […]

Hydrocarbons and climate change

Hydrocarbons and Climate Change Overview As a high school Chemistry teacher, this set of computer-based tools will help you to introduce the topics of hydrocarbons in fossil fuels, carbon dioxide release by fossil fuel combustion and the effect of high atmospheric carbon dioxide on climate change. This lesson plan helps students to learn about hydrocarbons, […]

Teaching the Carbon Cycle through Climate-related Examples

Teaching the Carbon Cycle through Climate-related Examples Overview Overview As a high school or undergraduate Chemistry or Earth Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching topics in environmental chemistry such as the carbon cycle or biogeochemical cycles. This lesson plan allows students to understand the carbon cycle, […]

Black Carbon and its Impact on Earth’s Climate

Black Carbon and its Impact on Earth’s Climate Overview As a High School or Undergraduate Chemistry or Environmental Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach about allotropy, various allotropes of carbon and their structural and physical properties, black carbon, sources of black carbon and its impact on Earth’s climate. This […]

An Introductory Lesson Plan for High School

Climate Change: An Introductory Lesson Plan for High School Overview As a high school teacher, you can use this lesson plan to introduce climate change and its impacts to your students. In this lesson plan, students will be introduced to the basics of climate change, which is one of the most significant issues of our […]

An Introductory Lesson Plan for Middle School

Climate Change: An Introductory Lesson Plan for Middle School Overview As a middle school teacher (for age group 10-14 years), you can use this lesson plan to introduce climate change and its impacts to your students. Climate change can be complex and is often difficult to explain to middle school students. It is especially important […]

An Introductory Lesson Plan for Undergraduates

Climate Change: An Introductory Lesson Plan for Undergraduates Overview As an undergraduate teacher, you can use this lesson plan to introduce climate change and its impacts to your students. In this lesson plan, students will be introduced to the basics of climate change, which is one of the most significant issues of our time. Students […]


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