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Biological Sciences

Search by Resource Type Lesson Plan Teaching Tool Search by Key Topics in Biological Sciences Climate Change Overview Biodiversity Adaptation Evolution Ecology Ecosystem Natural Selection Botany Phenology Photosynthesis Pollination Range Shift Species and Speciation Entomology Microbiology Migration Species Extinction Conservation Covid-19 Pandemic Pandemic Epidemiology Human Health Infectious Disease Genetics Climate Change Overview Biodiversity Adaptation Evolution […]

Risk of Bird Extinction

Risk of Bird Extinction Reading An article from National Geographic about how climate change may pose a risk of extinction to more than half of North American birds (also includes visuals of the data from National Audubon Society for some bird species). About Tool Tool Name Climate Change May Put Half of North American Birds […]

Listening Comprehension: Talk by Climate Activist, Greta Thunberg

Listening Comprehension: Talk by Climate Activist, Greta Thunberg Overview As a Middle School and High School English Language teacher, you can use a talk about climate change and an associated comprehension quiz to help you teach listening comprehension. This lesson plan uses the TED talk, “The disarming case to act right now on climate change” […]

Beer-Lambert Law and Earth’s Atmosphere

Beer-Lambert Law and Earth’s Atmosphere Overview As an undergraduate Chemistry teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach the Beer-Lambert Law and its application in atmospheric radiation absorption studies. This lesson plan will enable students to learn about the Beer-Lambert Law and understand its application for studying the molar absorptivity of greenhouse […]


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