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Hip-Hop in the Classroom: Teaching Climate Change through Rap

Hip-Hop in the Classroom: Teaching Climate Change through Rap Overview As a High School or Undergraduate teacher in the Humanities, the Social Sciences, Earth Sciences, or Environmental Sciences, you can use this lesson plan to teach your students about climate change and global warming through Hip-Hop. This lesson plan provides an introduction to Hip-Hop education […]

Hydrocarbons and climate change

Hydrocarbons and Climate Change Overview As a high school Chemistry teacher, this set of computer-based tools will help you to introduce the topics of hydrocarbons in fossil fuels, carbon dioxide release by fossil fuel combustion and the effect of high atmospheric carbon dioxide on climate change. This lesson plan helps students to learn about hydrocarbons, […]

Fertilizers and Climate

Fertilizers and Climate Overview Overview As an undergraduate-level Chemistry teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching about fertilizers, types of fertilizers, the assessment of different types of fertilizers, the possible effect of fertilizer use on the environment due to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and best practices to mitigate […]

Aerosols and Climate

Aerosols and Climate Overview As a High School Chemistry or Environmental Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach about aerosols, their sources, and their direct and indirect impact on climate. This lesson plan will help students understand what aerosols are and what are the major sources of atmospheric aerosols. Students […]

Electrochemistry: Use of Electrolysis to Reduce Global Carbon Emissions

Electrochemistry: Use of Electrolysis to Reduce Global Carbon Emissions Overview As a high school or introductory undergraduate Chemistry or Environmental Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching the basics of electrochemistry and how the application of electrolysis can potentially reduce the global carbon dioxide emissions. This lesson […]

Evolutionary Adaptations to Climate Change

Evolutionary Adaptations to Climate Change Overview As a high school or undergraduate Biological Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach about evolutionary adaptations in animals due to climate change Evolutionary Adaptation is the morphological or physiological adjustment of organisms to their environment to improve their chances of survival. With climate […]

Pond Ecosystems and Climate Change

Pond Ecosystems and Climate Change Overview As an Undergraduate Biological Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer based tools to enable students to develop a comprehensive understanding about the structure and function of an ecosystem, with a focus on hydrological ecosystem, and biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem. You can do this […]


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