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The Economics of Oil

The Economics of Oil Model/Simulation A model/simulator to understand the prediction of peak global oil production, and to learn about oil as an energy source, its peak and reserves, and the economics and geopolitics of oil. Students will customize parameters such as the peak year, peak width, and the total reservoir size to view the […]

COVID-19 and CO2 emissions

COVID-19 and CO2 Emissions Teaching Module A webinar by Carbon Brief on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The webinar includes discussions by the following climate scientist and analysts: Corinne Le Quéré,University of East Anglia, presented that CO2 released due to human activities fell by seventeen percent by April, […]

The Carbon Footprint of Chicken Tikka Masala and Other Food Items

The Carbon Footprint of Chicken Tikka Masala and Other Food Items Game A computer-based game developed by Take a Bite Out Of Climate Change that shows the carbon footprints (in gCO2e) of different food items. The objective of the calculator is to select different items from a list, ranging from apple pie with cream to […]

Power, Energy, Dynamics- Wind Turbines

Power, Energy, Dynamics- Wind Turbines Overview As a high school Physics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching about power, energy, and dynamics through the design and function of a wind turbine. This lesson plan will help you teach various Physics concepts such as power, energy, and dynamics […]

Polynomial and Logistic Differentiation using Global Wind Energy Production Data

Polynomial and Logistic Differentiation using Global Wind Energy Production Data Overview As a high school or undergraduate Mathematics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching introductory differential calculus and specifically about polynomial and logistic differentiation and the use of the Quotient (or Product) Rule. This lesson plan will allow you to teach polynomial and logistic differentiation using […]

Logistic and Exponential Differentiation using Solar Energy Data

Logistic and Exponential Differentiation using Solar Energy Data Overview As a high school or undergraduate Mathematics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching introductory differential calculus; specifically, about differentiating logistic and exponential functions and the use of the Quotient (or Product) Rule. This lesson plan will allow you to teach differentiating functions- logistic and exponential, using a […]

Teaching Integration using World Petroleum Consumption Data

Teaching Integration using World Petroleum Consumption Data Overview As a high school or undergraduate Mathematics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching introductory calculus (integration) and specifically how to solve integration equations. This lesson plan will allow you to teach integration using a hands-on computer-based classroom activity that […]

Algebra: Formula Substitution using the Wind Energy Equation

Algebra: Formula Substitution using the Wind Turbine Energy Equation Overview As a high school Mathematics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching Formula Substitution in algebra after introducing formulas, numbers, variables, and constants. Global warming due to fossil fuel emissions, is believed to be one of the causes […]

Teaching Cost-Benefit Analysis through Climate-related examples

Impact of Climate Change on Teaching Cost-Benefit Analysis through Climate-related examples Overview Overview As an undergraduate Economics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching cost-benefit analysis. This lesson plan will help students to understand the principles of cost-benefit analysis. The activities will allow students to apply cost-benefit analysis […]

Measuring Value of Abatement for Climate Policy

Impact of Climate Change on Measuring Value of Abatement for Climate Policy Overview Overview As an Undergraduate Economics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching about implementation of environmental policies by measuring the value of abatement. This lesson plan will enable you to teach your students about assessing […]


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