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Beer-Lambert Law and Earth’s Atmosphere

Beer-Lambert Law and Earth’s Atmosphere Overview As an undergraduate Chemistry teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach the Beer-Lambert Law and its application in atmospheric radiation absorption studies. This lesson plan will enable students to learn about the Beer-Lambert Law and understand its application for studying the molar absorptivity of greenhouse […]

Electrolysis: Application in Fuel Cell Technology

Electrolysis: Application in Fuel Cell Technology Overview As a high school or introductory undergraduate Chemistry or Environmental Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching the basics of electrochemistry, electrolysis and the application of electrolysis in fuel cells as an alternative source of clean energy. This lesson plan […]

Teaching about Microbial Life and Climate Change

Teaching about Microbial Life and Climate Change Overview As an undergraduate-level Biological Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching topics such as microbes, microbial growth, the role of microbes in the climate system, and the effects of global climate change on microbial growth and survival. The lesson […]


Search by Resource Type Lesson Plan Teaching Tool Search by Key Topics in Economics Climate Change Economics Microeconomics Invisible Hand Tragedy of the Commons Marxism Capitalism Cost Benefit Analysis Market Failure Opportunity Costs Economic Growth Energy Economics Economic Externalities Social Cost of Carbon Willingness to Cooperate Willingness to Pay Gender Economics Economic Policy Hubbert’s Peak […]


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