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Marxist Theories and Climate Change

Marxist Theories and Climate Change Overview Overview As an Undergraduate Economics or Social Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching social theoriesin Marxism. This lesson plan will allow you to introduce Marxism in social theory taught across Sociology, Political Science, Economics, and other disciplines. It includes teaching […]

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Economic Policy for ‘Green Recovery’

Impact of Climate Change on The COVID-19 Pandemic: Economic Policy for ‘Green Recovery’ Overview As an Undergraduate Economics teacher, you can use this lesson plan to teach your students how countries around the world design economic policies for a ‘green recovery’ from the economic downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic, by reducing carbon emissions while […]

Hip-Hop in the Classroom: Teaching Climate Change through Rap

Hip-Hop in the Classroom: Teaching Climate Change through Rap Overview As a High School or Undergraduate teacher in the Humanities, the Social Sciences, Earth Sciences, or Environmental Sciences, you can use this lesson plan to teach your students about climate change and global warming through Hip-Hop. This lesson plan provides an introduction to Hip-Hop education […]


Search by Resource Type Lesson Plan Teaching Tool Search by Key Topics in Economics Climate Change Economics Microeconomics Invisible Hand Tragedy of the Commons Marxism Capitalism Cost Benefit Analysis Market Failure Opportunity Costs Economic Growth Energy Economics Economic Externalities Social Cost of Carbon Willingness to Cooperate Willingness to Pay Gender Economics Economic Policy Hubbert’s Peak […]

An Introductory Lesson Plan for High School

Climate Change: An Introductory Lesson Plan for High School Overview As a high school teacher, you can use this lesson plan to introduce climate change and its impacts to your students. In this lesson plan, students will be introduced to the basics of climate change, which is one of the most significant issues of our […]

An Introductory Lesson Plan for Undergraduates

Climate Change: An Introductory Lesson Plan for Undergraduates Overview As an undergraduate teacher, you can use this lesson plan to introduce climate change and its impacts to your students. In this lesson plan, students will be introduced to the basics of climate change, which is one of the most significant issues of our time. Students […]

What Can You Do 2

Teacher Students Principles Principles Teacher Dear Teachers These resources are for the teachers and by the teachers. You have an important role as an educator to improve climate awareness amongst our student learners. Please join us in our efforts to combat the climate crisis through education by: Using our resources in your classroom for your […]

Testing 2.0

For Teachers For Students For Principals For Policy Holders For Teachers Dear Teachers These resources are for the teachers and by the teachers. You have an important role as an educator to improve climate awareness amongst our student learners. Please join us in our efforts to combat the climate crisis through education by: Using our […]

Global Warming- A Negative Externality

Global Warming- A Negative Externality Video A short video by Hoesung Lee, Korea University and vice-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on carbon pricing and climate change. The video discusses the importance of putting a price on carbon emissions and related activities since climate change is an example of a global externality. […]

Marxism and Carbon Markets

Marxism and Carbon Markets Reading A reading titled ‘Greening Capitalism? A Marxist Critique of Carbon Markets’ by Steffan Bohm, Maria Misoczky and Sandra Moog that discusses a Marxist assessment of carbon markets and their role in the evolution of global capitalism and climate change. The reading discusses four major marxist concepts: metabolic rift, capitalism and […]


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