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Economics of Climate Change with William Nordhaus, Nobel Laureate (2018)

Economics of Climate Change with William Nordhaus, Nobel Laureate (2018) Video This video lecture by William Nordhaus on the economics of climate change. This is a comprehensive video on the impacts of climate change and its effect on the economy, along with a focus on economic policy for climate mitigation and adaptation. Students will be […]

Environmental Economics: Climate Change as Market Failure

Impact of Climate Change on Environmental Economics: Climate Change as Market Failure Overview Overview As a High School or Undergraduate Economics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach about national/international environmental protection, negative externalities such as global warming, and market failure associated with climate change. This lesson plan allows you to […]

Carbon Pricing: Shadow and Market Prices

Impact of Climate Change on Carbon Pricing: Shadow and Market Prices Overview As an undergraduate Economics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach the concept of Carbon Pricing and the instruments to implement it- Carbon Tax and Cap-and-Trade/Emissions Trading System (ETS). This lesson plan includes a resource to help students understand […]

Introduction to Climate Change Economics

Introduction to Climate Change Economics Video A video micro lecture by David Archer, The University of Chicago, titled ‘The Economics of Climate Change’ which is a part of an e-learning course on science and modelling of climate change. This video discusses the ‘tragedy of commons’ to understand how climate change impacts society. The lecture also […]


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