Infectious Diseases In A Warming World

Infectious Diseases In A Warming World Reading A reading that explains the role of climate change in the spread of infectious diseases. This reading by the World Health Organization describes the various modes of transmission of viral diseases in humans, in animals, and between animals and humans. It further contains examples of how environmental changes […]
Pandemics in a Changing World

Pandemics in a Changing World Reading A reading that describes the relationship between climate change and the occurrence of newly emerging infectious diseases like COVID-19. This reading by Daisy Dunne for Climate Brief discusses the rise in zoonotic diseases due to changes in habitats and closer interactions of humans and wild animals. It further highlights […]
Climate Change and Risks of New Pandemics

Climate Change and Risks of New Pandemics Overview As an Undergraduate Biological Sciences or Environmental Sciences teacher, you can use this lesson plan to teach your students about zoonosis, the increased risk of inter-species virus spillover due to climate change, infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and their modes of transmission. In this lesson plan, students […]