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Climate-Informed Development to Mitigate Global Poverty

Climate-Informed Development to Mitigate Global Poverty Reading A feature story on a comprehensive report by the World Bank that describes the threat of climate change to poor people and the ways to offset it through adaptation and mitigation strategies. The students will view an embedded video to understand the need for policies to manage the […]

Capitalism and Global Warming

Capitalism and Global Warming Reading A reading by Jonathan T. Park, University of Utah, that discusses the link between climate change and capitalism. This reading discusses how consumer ideology in a capitalist society results in the overproduction and overconsumption of goods. It includes discussions on exploitation of natural resources, high energy expenditure, excess waste production […]

Pollution Permits and Opportunity Costs

Pollution Permits and Opportunity Costs Reading A reading by Holt et al. in the International Review of Economics Education, provided by The Economics Network, UK, that can be used for a classroom/laboratory activity to teach your students to identify and account for opportunity costs in production decisions. Students will learn about opportunity costs and tradable […]

Economic solutions for Climate Change

Economic solutions for Climate Change Audio As a teacher of Economics, this podcast can teach your students about Environmental Resources and Energy Economics, and use of carbon tax policy as a possible economic solution to climate change. This audio will help students understand the relationship between economics and climate change. Additionally, they will learn about […]

Predicting Future Carbon Emissions

Predicting Future Carbon Emissions Model/Simulation A model/simulation to learn about and use the Kaya Identity to predict future carbon emissions. Students will customize parameters such as changes in population, GDP per capita, energy intensity, and carbon intensity of energy sources to observe the model’s  predictions on future carbon emissions. Use this tool to help your […]

The Economics of Oil

The Economics of Oil Model/Simulation A model/simulator to understand the prediction of peak global oil production, and to learn about oil as an energy source, its peak and reserves, and the economics and geopolitics of oil. Students will customize parameters such as the peak year, peak width, and the total reservoir size to view the […]


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