Reconstruction of Paleoclimate by Using Isotopic Composition Data
Reconstruction of Paleoclimate by Using Isotopic Composition Data Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to learn about the isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen, analyze the isotopic composition of ice, and understand how isotopic compositions can be used to recreate past temperatures and climate. Students will plot graphs to analyze data from the Vostok ice core in […]
Orbital Forcing and Earth’s Climate
Orbital Forcing and Earth’s Climate Teaching Module A set of classroom/laboratory activities to reconstruct Earth’s past climate using isotopic composition data from ice cores and to highlight the influence of orbital forcing and atmospheric carbon dioxide feedback on Earth’s climate. Students will reconstruct Earth’s past temperatures by plotting graphs of isotopic compositions from ice cores […]
Using Isotopes to Measure Temperatures
Using Isotopes to Measure Temperatures Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/ laboratory activity titled, ‘From Isotopes to Temperature: Working With A Temperature Equation’ from Starting Point by Dorien McGee, University of South Florida, USA, that uses oxygen isotopic data from corals and sea water as a proxy for determining ocean temperatures. This activity includes isotope and ocean […]
Isotopic Compositions and Ice Cores
Isotopic Compositions and Ice Cores Reading A reading that explains how the analyses of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes from ice cores determine past temperatures on Earth. Students will learn how isotopic ratios of hydrogen and oxygen in water molecules from the ice-cores can be used to infer temperature variations in the past on Earth. Use […]
Atomic Number, Mass Number, Isotopes and Isotopic Ratios, and Isotopic Compositions as Climate Proxies
Atomic Number, Mass Number, Isotopes and Isotopic Ratios, and Isotopic Compositions as Climate Proxies Overview As a high school or undergraduate teacher of Chemistry or Earth Sciences, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching atomic number, mass number, isotopes and isotopic ratios, the use of isotopic ratios to calculate […]