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Orbital Forcing and Earth’s Climate

Orbital Forcing and Earth’s Climate Teaching Module A set of classroom/laboratory activities to reconstruct Earth’s past climate using isotopic composition data from ice cores and to highlight the influence of orbital forcing and atmospheric carbon dioxide feedback on Earth’s climate. Students will reconstruct Earth’s past temperatures by plotting graphs of isotopic compositions from ice cores […]

Earth’s Climate and the Cryosphere: An Overview

Earth’s Climate and the Cryosphere: An Overview Teaching Module A teaching module by the EarthLabs section of the Science Education Resources Center (SERC), Carleton College, titled ‘Climate and the Cryosphere: Unit Overview’ that discusses the link between climate change and Earth’s cryosphere. This resource can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers […]

Milankovitch Orbital Parameters

Milankovitch Orbital Parameters Model/Simulation A Model/Simulation to learn about changes in Earth’s climate caused by variations in the solar energy received by the planet over geological time scales and to understand the role of the orbital parameters (obliquity, precession, and eccentricity) in causing ice age cycles (Milankovitch cycles) on Earth. Students can vary orbital parameters […]

Coding with Python: Modeling the Ice Albedo Feedback

Coding with Python: Modeling the Ice Albedo Feedback Overview As an Undergraduate Earth Sciences, Mathematics or Computer Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you teach how to program in Python and build a computational model of the Earth’s climate system. This lesson plan includes discussions, activities, and a detailed […]


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