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Pollution Permits and Opportunity Costs

Pollution Permits and Opportunity Costs Reading A reading by Holt et al. in the International Review of Economics Education, provided by The Economics Network, UK, that can be used for a classroom/laboratory activity to teach your students to identify and account for opportunity costs in production decisions. Students will learn about opportunity costs and tradable […]

Economic Trade-offs

Economic Trade-offs Teaching Module A teaching module titled ‘Choices’ from a course on climate change by the Fraser Institute. This teachingmodule will help students understand the importance of trade-offs and evaluate the costs and benefits ofclimate change proposals. Students will learn about carbon emissions, trade-offs, opportunity costs, and resource use. They will beexposed to two […]

Teaching Opportunity Costs of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Teaching Opportunity Costs of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Overview Overview As an Undergraduate Economics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching about opportunity costs using an in-class experiment of trading emissions permits for the use of a hypothetical fuel that emits greenhouse gases. Global warming due to greenhouse gas […]


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