Infrared Spectra of Greenhouse Gases

Infrared Spectra of Greenhouse Gases Visualisation A visualisation to learn about the infrared (IR) spectra of different greenhouse gases and the effect of greenhouse gases on the Earth’s climate. Students will use the visualisation to view the IR spectra of different greenhouse gases, observe the amount of IR radiation absorbed for the current concentration of […]
Daisyworld – A Model to Explore the Gaia Hypothesis

Daisyworld – A Model to Explore the Gaia Hypothesis Model/Simulation A Model/Simulation to explore the Gaia hypothesis and the concepts of albedo and hysteresis through the example of daisies (living organisms) and their interaction with temperature (climatic factor). Students will configure the distribution of black daisies and white daisies, the albedo for each of these […]
A Single-layer Atmosphere Model to Explain Atmospheric Warming

A Single-layer Atmosphere Model to Explain Atmospheric Warming Reading A reading to learn about the energy balance of planet Earth and to understand atmospheric warming by using a single-layer atmosphere model. Students will learn about emissivity and absorptivity. Further, they will learn about the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere by calculating the temperature of a […]
The Greenhouse Effect of the Atmosphere

The Greenhouse Effect of the Atmosphere Video A video micro-lecture that discusses Earth’s energy balance and the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere. Students will learn how to determine the surface temperature of planet Earth with no atmosphere and with 1- and 2-layer atmosphere. They will also understand the greenhouse effect of the Earth’s atmosphere. Use […]
Modeling Planetary Energy Balance

Modeling Planetary Energy Balance Model/Simulation A Model/Simulation to learn about vertical energy (heat) transfer in the Earth’s system and planetary energy balance. Students will vary parameters such as the solar constant and the planetary albedo to observe the corresponding effects on energy transfer from the Sun to the Earth and from the Earth to the […]
Planetary Energy Balance

Planetary Energy Balance Teaching Module A teaching module including readings and associated links by the American Chemical Society that discusses the balance between incoming solar energy and outgoing terrestrial energy and its relationship with the surface temperature of the Earth. This overview reading can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested […]
Introduction to Planetary Energy Balance

Introduction to Planetary Energy Balance Reading A reading by University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Center for Science Education that discusses how the surface temperature of the Earth can be calculated through simple energy balance equations.This overview reading can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested in teaching about planetary energy […]
First Law of Thermodynamics

First Law of Thermodynamics Video A video lecture titled, ‘Basic Thermodynamics’ from the e-learning course, ‘Introduction to Atmospheric Science’ developed by C Balaji, IIT Madras, for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), India. This video lecture explains and details the first law of thermodynamics (Q – W = Delta E) in the context of […]
The Physics of Climate Change Prediction

The Physics of Climate Change Prediction Teaching Module A teaching module developed by on climate physics and climate models. The module for ‘A level Physics’ students includes introductory resources, exercises and worksheets on climate change models. The module consists of the following sections: Introducing climate prediction Climate modelling using Modellus Simple Climate Model The […]
Quantum Mechanics and Climate Change

Quantum Mechanics and Climate Change Video A lecture that describes how quantum mechanics plays a role in understanding Earth’s climate systems and climate change. This lecture by Brad Marston, Brown University, uses Richard Feynman’s double slit experiment to explain how changing concentrations of greenhouse gases could potentially affect Earth’s climate. Students will be provided an […]