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Rap Music and Climate Change


A music album titled ‘The Rap Guide To Climate Chaos’ by Baba Brinkman that contains 24 tracks on climate change. The album discusses the science, politics and economics of climate change. The tracks cover a variety of topics such as greenhouse gases, carbon emissions, climate taxes and green capitalism.

Tracks include – Options, I.P.C.C., Keep It Positive, Greenhouse (feat. Aaron Nazrul), Party Don’t Stop, Run the Joules, Mo Carbon Mo Problems, What’s Beef (feat. Bill Nye), Battle Lines, Lost in the Numbers, Bright Side, Fossil Fuel Ballers (feat. Aaron Nazrul), Exxon Knew, Laudato Si, Yank the Plug, Make It Hot, Regulators, Carbon Bubble (feat. Mariella), Stranded Assets, Ride Electric (feat. Fand), This or That, Freedom Ain’t Free, Stand Up, Makin’ Waves (feat. Gaia’s Eye)

In songs such as ‘IPCC’, Brinkman addresses the findings of the committee and even internal disagreements on projections. On songs such as ‘Greenhouse’, he takes the listener through a sonic journey of development including the greenhouse effect, predicted rise in global temperatures from Svante’s study and puts them alongside the findings of the IPCC and its accuracy. He critiques his own consumption and the paradox of being unable to individually contribute to reducing the impact of climate change without large scale policy reforms. Brinkman speaks extensively about cap and trade vs climate taxes, and the ecological debt that richer countries owe the marginalized. The album also focuses on Exxon’s failures and lies.

The album can be found at here [Note that the album is available for purchase at the link above.

The tracks are available for free viewing on YouTube as part of Baba Brinkman’s performance for ‘Talks At Google’. This free resource can be found at here

Students will learn about the topic of climate change through music and learn about its current impacts. They will also learn about the important stakeholders in climate change politics and how climate change politics plays a huge role in the development of the global economy. Students will further learn about how music can be used to discuss science based topics in order to better understand them.

Use this tool to help your students find answers to:

  1. What is climate change? Discuss the various perceptions of climate change
  2. Discuss climate change topics and the politics underlying the problem
  3. What is the role of fossil fuel burning in the warming of the planet?
  4. What is green capitalism?
About Tool
Tool Name The Rap Guide To Climate Chaos
Discipline Humanities
Topic(s) in Discipline Climate Change Overview, Communication, Cultural Studies, Music, Rap, Hip-Hop
Climate Topic Introduction to Climate Change, Climate and the Anthrosphere
Type of tool Audio (60 min)
Grade Level High School, Undergraduate
Location Global
Language English
Translation      –
Developed by Baba Brinkman
Hosted at Baba Brinkman Music/ Talks at Google
Access Online
Computer Skills Basic


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