War in A Warming World

War in A Warming World: Climate Change and the Civil War in Syria Overview As an Undergraduate teacher in the Social Sciences or Environmental Studies, you can use this lesson plan to teach your students about how human induced global warming can have significant impacts on food and water security and could be a factor […]
Why Do Our Brains Ignore Climate Change

Why Do Our Brains Ignore Climate Change Overview As an Undergraduate teacher of Psychology in the Social Sciences you can use this lesson plan to teach your students aspects of behavioural science, explain why our brains are wired to ignore climate change, and discuss potential behavioural science solutions to the climate crisis. This lesson plan […]
Gender and Climate Change

Gender and Climate Change Overview As an Undergraduate teacher in the Social Sciences, you can use this lesson plan to teach your students about the gender dimensions in the field of climate change. Climate change is a defining factor of human development in recent times. It is not only a topic for scientific or technical […]
Climate Change Impacts on Mental Health

Climate Change Impacts on Mental Health Overview As an Undergraduate teacher of Psychology in the Social Sciences you can use this lesson plan to teach your students impacts of climate change on mental health and well-being. This lesson plan provides an overview of several mental health consequences of global warming. These include stress and distress […]
How to Read and Analyze Poetry

How to Read and Analyze Poetry Overview As a High School English Language teacher, you can use this lesson plan to teach your students how to read and analyze poetry and to use these techniques to examine climate related poems. In this lesson plan, students will be taught how to read poetry and identify elements […]
Reading and Listening Comprehension in French (Intermediate and Advanced Levels)

Reading and Listening Comprehension in French (Intermediate and Advanced Levels) Overview As a High School or Undergraduate French language teacher or a teacher of French as a second language (intermediate or advanced level), you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach climate change-related French vocabulary through reading comprehension and listening comprehension exercises. This […]
Literary Analysis using Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi)

Literary Analysis using Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi) Overview As a High School and Undergraduate Humanities teacher in English, you can use this lesson plan to teach literary analysis of a novel (climate fiction). The recently recognized literary genre of ‘Cli-Fi’ is a valuable means by which students can engage with key concepts of climate change and […]
Teaching Verb Tenses through Climate Literature

Teaching Verb Tenses through Climate Literature Overview As a Middle or High School English teacher or a teacher of English as a second language, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach tenses using climate literature. Global warming is causing glaciers to melt thus causing a water crisis. Satellite imagery is used to […]
Enhancing French Vocabulary: Written and Spoken Language

Enhancing French Vocabulary: Written and Spoken Language Overview As a Middle or High School French teacher or a teacher of French as a second language (basic or elementary level), you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach climate related French vocabulary and its usage in creative writing and spoken discussion. Climate change is […]
English for Academic Purposes: Note Making and Summary Writing Using Climate Literature

English for Academic Purposes: Note Making and Summary Writing Using Climate Literature Overview As a high school or undergraduate English teacher, you can use a climate change related spoken text to help you in teaching note making and summary writing, as part of English for Academic Purposes (EAP). The lesson involves training students to listen […]