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Droughts, Deforestation, Religion, and War

Droughts, Deforestation, Religion, and War Video A video titled ‘Dry Season’ from the Showtime series ‘Years of Living Dangerously’ – a documentary television series on global warming and impacts on the state, society and natural resources. This video includes segments on droughts in the Southwest United States (reported by Don Cheadle), religion and climate change […]

The Way We Eat

The Way We Eat Video A video microlecture by Raghu Murtugudde, University of Maryland, titled ‘Plant Rich Diet’. This video lecture is part of a video series titled ‘Climate Solutions: Drawdown, Designing Solution, Avoiding Disaster, Green Economy, Adaptation’ available at the Murtugudde Climate Academy channel on YouTube. This video lecture, which discusses climate solutions from […]

Evolutionary Adaptation in Response to Climate Change

Evolutionary Adaptation in Response to Climate Change Video A video that briefly describes evolutionary adaptations in animals due to climate change. This video by educator, Erin Eastwood, for TED-Ed introduces the topic of evolutionary adaptation and how animals are forced to evolve to changed environments caused by climate change. Students will learn how climate change […]

Culture, Heritage and Climate Change

Culture, Heritage and Climate Change Video Module A panel discussion organised by the Getty Conservation Institute and the Natural Resources Defense Council on the impact of climate change on the built environment. The lecture consists of a panel discussion that focuses on the links between climate change, preservation and future sustainability of historical buildings and […]

Global Warming and Sleep Deprivation

Global Warming and Sleep Deprivation Video A video that discusses the potential impact of global warming on human health and sleep cycles. This video by Ryan Cross, hosted on the website of the journal Science, describes the effects of warmer temperatures on sleep quality in individuals in the United States. Students will learn how sleep […]

Climate Change and Human Evolution

Climate Change and Human Evolution Video A video lecture by Raghu Murtugudde, University of Maryland, on the impacts of climate change on human evolution and early civilizations. This video lecture is part 1 of a 3-part lecture series titled ‘Climate Change on Historic Timescales’ of a MOOC. This MOOC is titled ‘Climate Change’ and has […]

COVID-19 and CO2 emissions

COVID-19 and CO2 Emissions Teaching Module A webinar by Carbon Brief on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The webinar includes discussions by the following climate scientist and analysts: Corinne Le Quéré,University of East Anglia, presented that CO2 released due to human activities fell by seventeen percent by April, […]

Climate Change in the Environmental Sciences Classroom

Climate Change in the Environmental Sciences Classroom Video A video lecture by Rahul Chopra, TROP ICSU and IISER Pune on climate change educational resources that Environmental Sciences teachers can use in their classrooms. These educational resources integrate climate change understanding with the core curriculum in Environmental Sciences. This video lecture is part of an online […]

Climate Change and the Food We Eat

Climate Change and the Food We Eat Video A video by Sarah Bridle that introduces her book, ‘Food and Climate Change Without the Hot Air. Change your diet: the easiest way to help save the planet’ as well as the website and game built around it. This video highlights how food production contributes to a […]

Introduction to Climate Change Economics

Introduction to Climate Change Economics Video A video micro lecture by David Archer, The University of Chicago, titled ‘The Economics of Climate Change’ which is a part of an e-learning course on science and modelling of climate change. This video discusses the ‘tragedy of commons’ to understand how climate change impacts society. The lecture also […]


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