Hadley Circulation-Heat Transport in the Atmosphere

Hadley Circulation-Heat Transport in the Atmosphere Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to learn about radiation, heat transport, convection, and energy/mass conservation by interpreting and mapping the Hadley Circulation. Students will analyse and map real data through the NASA MERRA reanalysis model to understand the actual impact of the Hadley Cell on the Earth’s climate system […]
Introduction to Planetary Energy Balance

Introduction to Planetary Energy Balance Reading A reading by University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Center for Science Education that discusses how the surface temperature of the Earth can be calculated through simple energy balance equations.This overview reading can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested in teaching about planetary energy […]
Blackbody Radiation and Planetary Temperatures

Blackbody Radiation and Planetary Temperatures Model/Simulation A Model/Simulation to understand blackbody radiation, the effects of albedo and solar brightness on the temperature of a planet, and the greenhouse effect of the Earth’s atmosphere. effect of the Earth’s atmosphere. Students will experiment with a blackbody simulation to understand how the blackbody radiation model can be used […]
Urban Heat Island

Urban Heat Island Classroom/Laboratory Activity A laboratory activity to learn about the urban heat island effect and heat waves. Students will collect temperature-related data from various parts of their schoolyard, observe and analyze differences in the data, and discuss the environmental factors that affect the temperature. With the help of temperature data for Los Angeles […]
Power, Energy, Dynamics- Wind Turbines

Power, Energy, Dynamics- Wind Turbines Overview As a high school Physics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching about power, energy, and dynamics through the design and function of a wind turbine. This lesson plan will help you teach various Physics concepts such as power, energy, and dynamics […]