Droughts, Deforestation, Religion, and War

Droughts, Deforestation, Religion, and War Video A video titled ‘Dry Season’ from the Showtime series ‘Years of Living Dangerously’ – a documentary television series on global warming and impacts on the state, society and natural resources. This video includes segments on droughts in the Southwest United States (reported by Don Cheadle), religion and climate change […]
Climate Disasters: An Overview

Climate Disasters: An Overview Reading A reading by the Third Pole that discusses the link between climate change and natural disasters. This overview reading can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested in teaching about climate change and disasters and hazards. The reading focuses on discussions on climate change related disasters […]
Climate Change and Natural Disasters

Climate Change and Natural Disasters Reading A reading by the National Wildlife Federation that discusses how climate change is increasing the frequency of extreme weather events and other natural disasters. This overview reading can be used as an introduction to the topic by teachers interested in teaching about climate change and disasters and hazards.The reading […]