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Major Landforms: Mountains and Climate


As a High School or Undergraduate Geography or Earth Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach about mountains that comprise one of Earth’s major landforms and the factors that affect their climate.

This lesson plan will teach your students about geomorphic characteristics of mountains, orogeny- formation of mountains through tectonic processes in the Earth’s crust and enable them to describe different types of mountains (such as fold and fault-block mountains) and major mountain systems of the world. This lesson plan also includes a resource to explain how global climatic factors affect mountains and how mountains in turn, affect regional climate

Thus, the use of this lesson plan allows you to integrate the teaching of a climate science topic with a core topic in Geography or Earth Sciences

Learning Outcome

The tools in this lesson plan will enable students to:

  1. Explain orogeny and the orogenic processes
  2. Describe different types of mountains and major mountain systems of the world
  3. Understand the factors determining mountain climate
  4. Discuss how mountains affect regional climate

Teacher-contributed lesson plan idea by Smita Kalvey, Vidya Valley School, Pune, India.

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