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Modelling Temperature Data by using Trigonometric Functions

Modelling Temperature Data by using Trigonometric Functions Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to model temperature data by using trigonometric functions. Students will model given temperature data (for Wellington, New Zealand) by using sine and cosine functions. They will compare models and discuss their observations. This activity can be replicated for any location for which temperature […]

Teaching Differentiating Functions through Solar Energy Data

Teaching Differentiating Functions through Solar Energy Data Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/ laboratory activity titled, ‘Country Photovoltaic Energy Production’ from Sustainability Math by Thomas J. Pfaff, Ithaca College, USA, to teach differentiating functions – logistic and exponential, using a hands-on computer-based classroom activity that includes data of photovoltaic (solar) energy production of several countries from 1990 […]

Climate Change Impacts on Secondary Metabolites of Plants

Climate Change Impacts on Secondary Metabolites of Plants Overview As an Undergraduate Biological Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer based tools to enable students in developing a comprehensive understanding about the core topics of plant pathology, mycology, plant response to biotic stress and medicinal botany. Plants being immobile, synthesize a diversity of […]

Predict the Climate by throwing a dice

Predict the Climate by throwing a dice Teaching Module A teaching module that uses a dice and Excel to demonstrate the difference between experimental and theoretical probabilities. It also uses temperature and precipitation data to calculate moving average, identify trends in time series, and learn about data visualisation. This teaching module provides multiple resources under […]

Polynomial Differentiation Using Temperature Data

Polynomial Differentiation Using Temperature Data Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/ laboratory activity titled, ‘Global Average Temperature’ from Sustainability Math by Thomas J. Pfaff, Ithaca College, USA, to teach derivatives and polynomial differentiation using global average temperature data. This classroom/laboratory activity uses NASA’s data of global annual mean surface air temperature from 1950 to 2018. This data […]

Modelling the Effect of Changes in Radiation on Planetary Temperature

Modelling the Effect of Changes in Radiation on Planetary Temperature Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to model how changes in the radiation entering or leaving the Earth affect the temperature of the planet. Students will model the data by using Excel spreadsheets and will then determine whether a polynomial function or an exponential function provides […]

World Petroleum Consumption

World Petroleum Consumption Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/ laboratory activity titled, ‘World Petroleum Consumption’ from Sustainability Math by Thomas J. Pfaff, Ithaca College, USA, to teach integration using a hands-on computer-based classroom activity that includes world petroleum consumption data from 1980 to 2016. This data is provided in an Excel spreadsheet. The classroom activity also includes […]

Differentiation and Wind Energy

Differentiation and Wind Energy Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/ laboratory activity titled, ‘Wind Energy by Selected Countries and World’ from Sustainability Math by Thomas J. Pfaff, Ithaca College, USA, to teach polynomial and logistic differentiation using a hands-on computer-based classroom activity that includes wind energy production data of several countries from 1980 to 2016. This data […]

Differential Calculus using Methane Data

Differential Calculus using Methane Data Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity for Mathematics teachers to teach about Differential Calculus, specifically, about polynomial differentiation focusing on Tangent Line Problem and Curve Fitting. This activity contains yearly data of the globally averaged marine surface methane from 1984 to 2019. Methane is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions […]


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