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Hurricanes and Climate Change

Hurricanes and Climate Change Reading A reading to learn about what affects hurricane activity and the measures that can help in building resilience to the impacts of hurricanes. Students will read about the effects of warmer sea surface temperatures and sea-level rise on hurricanes. They will also discuss changes in the frequency and intensity of […]

Changes in Intensity and Frequency of Hurricanes

Changes in Intensity and Frequency of Hurricanes Reading A reading to learn about recent changes in hurricane activity, specifically in the Atlantic. Students will read about changes in Atlantic storm activity, factors that affect hurricane intensity and frequency, and the impact of global climate change on these factors Use this tool to help your students […]

Glaciers as Indicators of Climate Change

Glaciers as Indicators of Climate Change Reading A reading that introduces the topic of glaciers and their formation. Students will read about the formation of glaciers, common glacial features, and changes in the extent of glaciers over the past 750,000 years. They will also discuss how glaciers may serve as indicators of climate change. Use […]

Melting Ice Sheets and Sea Level

Melting Ice Sheets and Sea Level Model/Simulation An interactive Model/Simulation to explore the effects of melting ice sheets and the resulting sea level rise on coastal areas. Students will configure parameters related to glacial melt in Antarctica and/or Greenland, and will observe the effects of sea level rise on selected coastal regions in the U.S. […]

Glacial Retreat in Glacier National Park

Glacial Retreat in Glacier National Park Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity that introduces the relationship between climate and the cryosphere, explains how sea-level rise can be predicted (based on average global temperature change), and triggers a discussion on the potential impacts of sea-level rise. In this activity, students will examine actual data for projected sea-level […]

Climate Change, the Cryosphere, and Rising Sea Levels

Climate Change, the Cryosphere, and Rising Sea Levels Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity that introduces the relationship between climate and the cryosphere, explains how sea-level rise can be predicted (based on average global temperature change), and triggers a discussion on the potential impacts of sea-level rise. In this activity, students will examine actual data for […]

Orbital Forcing and Earth’s Climate

Orbital Forcing and Earth’s Climate Teaching Module A set of classroom/laboratory activities to reconstruct Earth’s past climate using isotopic composition data from ice cores and to highlight the influence of orbital forcing and atmospheric carbon dioxide feedback on Earth’s climate. Students will reconstruct Earth’s past temperatures by plotting graphs of isotopic compositions from ice cores […]

Oceans, Ocean Circulation and Sea Surface Temperatures

Oceans, Ocean Circulation and Sea Surface Temperatures Video A video lecture by Raghu Murtugudde, University of Maryland that introduces basic concepts in oceanography. This video lecture is part of a MOOC titled ‘Climate Change’ and has been developed by the National Resource Centre on Climate Change at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research […]

Radiation Laws

Radiation Laws Video A video lecture titled, ‘Atmospheric radiation – Radiation laws’ from the e-learning course, ‘Introduction to Atmospheric Science’ developed by C Balaji, IIT Madras, for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), India. This video lecture includes discussions on various aspects of radiation, atmospheric radiation and the radiation laws. Students will be introduced […]

Using Isotopes to Measure Temperatures

Using Isotopes to Measure Temperatures Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/ laboratory activity titled, ‘From Isotopes to Temperature: Working With A Temperature Equation’ from Starting Point by Dorien McGee, University of South Florida, USA, that uses oxygen isotopic data from corals and sea water as a proxy for determining ocean temperatures. This activity includes isotope and ocean […]


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