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Agriculture, Gender and Climate Change

Agriculture, Gender and Climate Change Reading A short introductory reading from the GenderCC Women for Climate Justice website that summarizes the gender dimensions of climate change in the agricultural sector. This reading is part of a larger study on the gender dimensions of climate change in several sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity, consumption, disaster, energy, […]

Biodiversity, Gender and Climate Change

Biodiversity, Gender and Climate Change Reading A short introductory reading from the GenderCC Women for Climate Justice website that summarizes the gender dimensions of climate change with relation to biodiversity and ecosystems. This reading is part of a larger study on the gender dimensions of climate change in several sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity, consumption, […]

Consumption, Gender and Climate Change

Consumption, Gender and Climate Change Reading A short introductory reading from the GenderCC Women for Climate Justice website that summarizes the gender dimensions of consumerism and climate change. This reading is part of a larger study on the gender dimensions of climate change in several sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity, consumption, disaster, energy, forests, health, […]

Energy, Gender and Climate Change

Energy, Gender and Climate Change Reading A short introductory reading from the GenderCC Women for Climate Justice website that summarises the gender dimensions of energy consumption and climate change. This reading is part of a larger study on the gender dimensions of climate change in several sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity, consumption, disaster, energy, forests, […]

Forests, Gender and Climate Change

Forests, Gender and Climate Change Reading A short introductory reading from the GenderCC Women for Climate Justice website that summarizes the gender dimensions in forestry and climate change.This reading is part of a larger study on the gender dimensions of climate change in several sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity, consumption, disaster, energy, forests, health, migration, […]

Health, Gender and Climate Change

Health, Gender and Climate Change Reading A short introductory reading from the GenderCC Women for Climate Justice website that summarizes the gendered impacts of climate change on human health.This reading is part of a larger study on the gender dimensions of climate change in several sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity, consumption, disaster, energy, forests, health, […]

Migration, Gender and Climate Change

Migration, Gender and Climate Change Reading A short introductory reading from the GenderCC Women for Climate Justice website that summarizes challenges that men and women face due to climate change induced human migration. This reading is part of a larger study on the gender dimensions of climate change in several sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity, […]

Population, Gender and Climate Change

Population, Gender and Climate Change Reading A short introductory reading from the GenderCC Women for Climate Justice website that summarizes gender dimensions of population growth and climate change. This reading is part of a larger study on the gender dimensions of climate change in several sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity, consumption, disaster, energy, forests, health, […]

Tourism, Gender and Climate Change

Tourism, Gender and Climate Change Reading A short introductory reading from the GenderCC Women for Climate Justice website that summarizes gender dimensions of tourism and climate change. This reading is part of a larger study on the gender dimensions of climate change in several sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity, consumption, disaster, energy, forests, health, migration, […]

Transport, Gender and Climate Change

Transport, Gender and Climate Change Reading A short introductory reading from the GenderCC Women for Climate Justice website that summarizes the effects of transport on climate change. This reading is part of a larger study on the gender dimensions of climate change in several sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity, consumption, disaster, energy, forests, health, migration, […]


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