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Thermodynamics and the Hydrostatic Equation

Thermodynamics and the Hydrostatic Equation Video A video lecture titled, ‘The Hydrostatic Equation’ from the e-learning course, ‘Introduction to Atmospheric Science’ developed by C Balaji, IIT Madras, for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), India. This video lecture introduces the hydrostatic equation and explains in detail the concept of ‘virtual temperature’ and its importance […]

Claussius Clapeyron and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Claussius Clapeyron and the Second Law of Thermodynamics Video Two video lectures titled, ‘The Second Law of Thermodynamics – Clausius Clapeyron Relation’ and ‘Clausius Clapeyron Relation (Contd.)’ from the e-learning course, ‘Introduction to Atmospheric Science’ developed by C Balaji, IIT Madras, for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), India. These video lectures provide details […]

First Law of Thermodynamics

First Law of Thermodynamics Video A video lecture titled, ‘Basic Thermodynamics’ from the e-learning course, ‘Introduction to Atmospheric Science’ developed by C Balaji, IIT Madras, for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), India. This video lecture explains and details the first law of thermodynamics (Q – W = Delta E) in the context of […]

Chaos Theory and Global Warming

Chaos Theory and Global Warming Reading A reading titled ‘Chaos in the Atmosphere’ by Spencer Weart hosted on the website of Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics. This reading is a supplement to Spencer Weart’s book titled, ‘The Discovery of Global Warming’, that explains complex models about weather prediction and chaos theory. […]

A History of Climate Models

A History of Climate Models Reading A reading titled ‘Simple Models of Climate Change’ by Spencer Weart hosted on the website of Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics. This reading is a supplement to Spencer Weart’s book titled, ‘The Discovery of Global Warming’. This reading provides a history of climate change models […]

Quantum Mechanics and Climate Change

Quantum Mechanics and Climate Change Video A lecture that describes how quantum mechanics plays a role in understanding Earth’s climate systems and climate change. This lecture by Brad Marston, Brown University, uses Richard Feynman’s double slit experiment to explain how changing concentrations of greenhouse gases could potentially affect Earth’s climate. Students will be provided an […]

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics Video A microlecture that describes the photoelectric effect and how it works with respect to greenhouse gases. This video by Shohini Ghose for TEDxVictoria describes how light and matter possess energy and how the transfer of this energy occurs between different bodies. Students will learn briefly about the discovery of the photoelectric effect […]

An Introduction to Atmospheric Thermodynamics

An Introduction to Atmospheric Thermodynamics Video A video lecture titled, ‘Atmospheric Thermodynamics – Introduction’ from the e-learning course, ‘Introduction to Atmospheric Science’ developed by C Balaji, IIT Madras, for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), India. This video lecture discusses the laws of thermodynamics, the gas laws, Boyle’s Law, Hooke’s law, and Dalton’s Law. […]

The Greenhouse Effect

The Greenhouse Effect Teaching Module A teaching module for teachers that explains what greenhouse gases are and describes their role in causing global warming. This resource developed by the Office for Climate Education (OCE) introduces students to the concept of the greenhouse effect and the importance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The module is […]

Atmospheric Dynamics and Hadley Cells

Atmospheric Dynamics and Hadley Cells Reading A reading that discusses the use of the law of conservation of angular momentum to explain the extent of Hadley cells. Students will learn to derive atmospheric dynamics equations for a model of Hadley circulation (based on Farrell’s theory). Use this tool to help your students find answers to: […]


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