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Forests, Gender and Climate Change

Forests, Gender and Climate Change Reading A short introductory reading from the GenderCC Women for Climate Justice website that summarizes the gender dimensions in forestry and climate change.This reading is part of a larger study on the gender dimensions of climate change in several sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity, consumption, disaster, energy, forests, health, migration, […]

Water, Gender and Climate Change

Water, Gender and Climate Change Reading A short introductory reading from the GenderCC Women for Climate Justice website that summarizes the gendered roles of water provision and management. This reading is part of a larger study on the gender dimensions of climate change in several sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity, consumption, disaster, energy, forests, health, […]

Food Insecurity in Somalia

Food Insecurity in Somalia Video A video titled ‘Locust swarm threatens Somalia food crisis’ by AP Archive that discusses the threat of the recent desert locust outbreak to Somalia’s food and crop production. The video also discusses how the rapid maturing of the desert locust may lead to mass breeding and result in further migration […]

Human Migration and Displacement

Human Migration and Displacement Reading A reading from ‘The Epicenters of Climate and Security: The New Geostrategic Landscape of the Anthropocene’ by The Center for Climate and Security on human migration and displacement caused by climate change. It describes the impacts of climate change on voluntary and forced human migration and displacement through examples from […]

Climate Risk and Megacities

Climate Risk and Megacities Reading A reading from ‘The Epicenters of Climate and Security: The New Geostrategic Landscape of the Anthropocene’ by The Center for Climate and Security on the impacts of climate change on large urban cities.The reading describes risks and direct and indirect impacts of climate change on the security of urban cities […]

Climate Solutions for Land Sinks Sector

Climate Solutions for Land Sinks Sector Reading A short reading from ‘Project Drawdown’ that discusses climate solutions for the Land Sinks Sector. It lists different solutions by the land sinks sector towards addressing the climate crisis such as: Address waste and diets by consuming plant rich diets and reducing food waste Protect and restore ecosystems […]

Climate Solutions for Buildings Sector

Climate Solutions for Buildings Sector Reading A short reading from ‘Project Drawdown’ that discusses climate solutions for the Transportation Sector. It lists different solutions by the Transportation sector towards addressing the climate crisis such as: Enhance efficiency by employing techniques like insulation along with optimising energy use Adopting clean energy alternatives for space & water […]

Climate Solutions for Transportation Sector

Climate Solutions for Transportation Sector Reading A short reading from ‘Project Drawdown’ that discusses climate solutions for the Transportation Sector. It lists different solutions by the Transportation sector towards addressing the climate crisis such as: Shift to alternative modes of mobility to reduce demand for fossil-fueled transportation Enhance efficiency through mechanical improvements and better design […]

Climate Solutions for Engineered Sinks Sector

Climate Solutions for Engineered Sinks Sector Reading A short reading from ‘Project Drawdown’ that discusses climate solutions for the Engineered Sinks Sector. It explains the upcoming technologies to capture carbon by direct removal from the air and application of carbon as a commodity in industrial processes. This reading includes specific solutions from each sub-sector within […]

Climate Solutions for Health and Education Sector

Climate Solutions for Health and Education Sector Reading A short reading from ‘Project Drawdown’ that discusses climate solutions for the Health and Education Sector. It explains how the connection between climate and social systems can offer profound insights into climate solutions. It also explains the importance of social factors such as family planning, population control, […]


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