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Teach Climate Science with the Teacher Friendly Guide To Climate Change

Teach Climate Science with the Teacher Friendly Guide To Climate Change Teaching Module Teaching module of resources and activities that accompanies ‘The Teacher-Friendly Guide™ to Climate Change’ edited by Ingrid H. H. Zabel, Don Duggan-Haas, & Robert M. Ross,the Paleontological Research Institution. This teaching module includes videos and classroom/laboratory activities on the following topics 1.  […]

Use of Allegory in Literature

Use of Allegory in Literature Overview As a High School English Language teacher, you can use this lesson plan to teach about the literary device of allegory and examine an allegory in climate literature. This lesson plan will allow you to teach about the usage of allegory as a literary device, its multiple interpretations and […]

Climate Consciousness in the National Constitution: Bhutan at the Forefront

Climate Consciousness in the National Constitution: Bhutan at the Forefront Overview As a Humanities or Social Sciences high school or undergraduate teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach about the Constitution of a country, the components of a nation’s Constitution, and the recognition that climate change is a fundamental constitutional issue […]

Civilizations and Climate Vulnerability: The Khmer Empire

Civilizations and Climate Vulnerability: The Khmer Empire Overview As a High School or Undergraduate teacher of History or Social Sciences, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach about civilizations, decline of civilizations or empires, and societal vulnerability to climate-related extreme events. This lesson plan will help students to learn about Angkor and […]

Gender and Climate Change

Gender and Climate Change Overview As an Undergraduate teacher in the Social Sciences, you can use this lesson plan to teach your students about the gender dimensions in the field of climate change. Climate change is a defining factor of human development in recent times. It is not only a topic for scientific or technical […]

How to Read and Analyze Poetry

How to Read and Analyze Poetry Overview As a High School English Language teacher, you can use this lesson plan to teach your students how to read and analyze poetry and to use these techniques to examine climate related poems. In this lesson plan, students will be taught how to read poetry and identify elements […]

Reading and Listening Comprehension in French (Intermediate and Advanced Levels)

Reading and Listening Comprehension in French (Intermediate and Advanced Levels) Overview As a High School or Undergraduate French language teacher or a teacher of French as a second language (intermediate or advanced level), you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach climate change-related French vocabulary through reading comprehension and listening comprehension exercises. This […]

Literary Analysis using Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi)

Literary Analysis using Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi) Overview As a High School and Undergraduate Humanities teacher in English, you can use this lesson plan to teach literary analysis of a novel (climate fiction). The recently recognized literary genre of ‘Cli-Fi’ is a valuable means by which students can engage with key concepts of climate change and […]

Teaching Verb Tenses through Climate Literature

Teaching Verb Tenses through Climate Literature Overview As a Middle or High School English teacher or a teacher of English as a second language, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach tenses using climate literature. Global warming is causing glaciers to melt thus causing a water crisis. Satellite imagery is used to […]

Enhancing French Vocabulary: Written and Spoken Language

Enhancing French Vocabulary: Written and Spoken Language Overview As a Middle or High School French teacher or a teacher of French as a second language (basic or elementary level), you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach climate related French vocabulary and its usage in creative writing and spoken discussion. Climate change is […]


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