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Impact of Climate Change on Circadian Rhythms and Sleep


As a High School Biological Sciences or Environmental Sciences or Health Sciences teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach about circadian rhythms and the factors involved in maintaining the circadian rhythm in all living organisms. This lesson plan will discuss the impact of global warming on sleep in humans, which is as an integral part of their circadian rhythm.

This lesson plan will teach students about circadian rhythms and how they are important for the health and well-being of all living beings. Global warming is potentially causing a change in day and nighttime temperatures. This lesson plan includes resources to show how sleep is affected by higher nighttime temperatures and therefore, could lead to adverse impacts on human health due to a disruption in the circadian rhythm.

Thus, the use of this lesson plan allows you to integrate the teaching of a climate science topic with a core topic in Biological Sciences or Environmental Sciences  or Health Sciences.

Learning Outcome

The tools in this lesson plan will enable students to:

  1. Explain what circadian rhythms in living beings are and what influences them
  2. Discuss the correlation of circadian rhythm and sleep cycles
  3. Describe the importance of sleep cycles for the health and well-being of individuals
  4. Explain how global warming could cause sleep deprivation and disruptions in humans

Teacher-contributed lesson plan by Alaaeldin Ahmed Hamza, National Organization of Drug Control and Research, Egypt

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