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Infectious Diseases In A Warming World

Infectious Diseases In A Warming World Reading A reading that explains the role of climate change in the spread of infectious diseases. This reading by the World Health Organization describes the various modes of transmission of viral diseases in humans, in animals, and between animals and humans. It further contains examples of how environmental changes […]

Pandemics in a Changing World

Pandemics in a Changing World Reading A reading that describes the relationship between climate change and the occurrence of newly emerging infectious diseases like COVID-19. This reading by Daisy Dunne for Climate Brief discusses the rise in zoonotic diseases due to changes in habitats and closer interactions of humans and wild animals. It further highlights […]

Mapping Range Shifts

Mapping Range Shifts Teaching Module A teaching module that demonstrates the effect of temperatures on species distributions. This module by Linton et al. enables students to analyze data for a chosen species, from Natural History Collections, for its range shift due to rising temperatures. It includes the following activities: Reading a meta analysis by Pecl […]

Climate Change and Biology Education

Climate Change and Biology Education Video A set of two video lectures by Juliette Rooney-Varga, University of Massachusetts at Lowell, that discusses climate change education in the Biological Sciences. Lecture 1 is titled ‘Climate Change, Biology and Systems Thinking’ and discusses the importance of a system thinking approach to understand the causes and impacts of […]

Climate Change in the Life Sciences Classroom

Climate Change in the Life Sciences Classroom Reading An article by Amy J. Hawkins and Louisa A. Stark titled ‘Bringing Climate Change into the Life Science Classroom: Essentials, Impacts on Life, and Addressing Misconceptions’ in the American Society for Cell Biology journal Life Sciences Education. This reading discusses how climate change can be taught in […]

Climate Change and Ecosystems

Climate Change and Ecosystems Reading A journal volume compiled and edited by Janet Franklin, Yadvinder Malhi, Nathalie Seddon, Martin Solan, Chris Field, Nancy Knowlton and Monica Turner titled ‘Climate change and ecosystems: threats, opportunities and solutions’ at the ‘Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences’ that discusses the link between climate change and […]

Earth’s Climate, the Biosphere, and Geological Evolution

Earth’s Climate, the Biosphere, and Geological Evolution Video A playlist of lecture videos titled, ‘Climate Science Education Series’ by Raghu Murtugudde, Professor, University of Maryland, USA and developed by Science Media Center, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, India. This playlist provides an overview of the relationships between the Earth’s climate, the biosphere, […]

Climate Change in the Biology Classroom

Climate Change in the Biology Classroom Video A video lecture by Rahul Chopra, TROP ICSU and IISER Pune on climate change educational resources that Biology teachers can use in their classrooms. These educational resources integrate climate change understanding with the core curriculum in Biology. This video lecture is part of an online e-learning course (MOOC) […]

The Earth System and Climate

The Earth System and Climate Video A video lecture by Raghu Murtugudde, University of Maryland for TROP ICSU titled ‘ The Earth System and Climate’ that provides an overview of the Earth’s system and its climate. This video discusses different aspects of the Earth’s system and how they determine Earth’s climate. These include: Sun Volcanoes […]

Radiation Balance and the Climate of a Planet

Radiation Balance and the Climate of a Planet Model/Simulation A Model/Simulation to learn about the factors that influence the climate of a planet. Students will learn about radiation balance and the climate of different planets. They will vary parameters such as albedo, surface temperature, and distance from the Sun to observe the corresponding effects on […]


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