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An Introduction to Atmospheric Thermodynamics

An Introduction to Atmospheric Thermodynamics Video A video lecture titled, ‘Atmospheric Thermodynamics – Introduction’ from the e-learning course, ‘Introduction to Atmospheric Science’ developed by C Balaji, IIT Madras, for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), India. This video lecture discusses the laws of thermodynamics, the gas laws, Boyle’s Law, Hooke’s law, and Dalton’s Law. […]

The Greenhouse Effect

The Greenhouse Effect Teaching Module A teaching module for teachers that explains what greenhouse gases are and describes their role in causing global warming. This resource developed by the Office for Climate Education (OCE) introduces students to the concept of the greenhouse effect and the importance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The module is […]

Atmospheric Dynamics and Hadley Cells

Atmospheric Dynamics and Hadley Cells Reading A reading that discusses the use of the law of conservation of angular momentum to explain the extent of Hadley cells. Students will learn to derive atmospheric dynamics equations for a model of Hadley circulation (based on Farrell’s theory). Use this tool to help your students find answers to: […]

The Physics of Climate Change

The Physics of Climate Change Reading A reading by the American Physical Society that provides an overview on the physics of climate change. This reading introduces the concepts of energy balance, radiative forcings, advection, hydrological processes, General Circulation Models, and anthropogenic greenhouse gas. It also summarises the responses to climate change through mitigation and adaptation. […]

Climate Change in the Physics Classroom

Climate Change in the Physics Classroom Video A video lecture by Rahul Chopra, TROP ICSU and IISER Pune on climate change educational resources that Physics teachers can use in their classrooms. These educational resources integrate climate change understanding with the core curriculum in Physics. This video lecture is part of an online e-learning course (MOOC) […]

Amitav Ghosh on Literary Fiction

Amitav Ghosh on Literary Fiction Video Video lectures by Amitav Ghosh, author of ‘The Great Derangement: Fiction, History, and Politics in the Age of Global Warming’ as part of a 4 part lecture series delivered at the University of Chicago’s Randy L. & Melvin R. Berlin Family Lectures. In this set of two video lectures, […]

The Greenhouse Effect

The Greenhouse Effect Model/Simulation A visualisation to observe, understand, explore, and analyze the molecular structure of carbon compounds (CO2, CH4), the effect of electromagnetic radiation on these molecules, and the role of greenhouse gases in climate change. Students will visualise the molecular structure of atmospheric gases, and the effect of infrared photons on these molecules. […]

pH Scale, Ocean Chemistry and Impact of Ocean Acidification on Marine Life

pH Scale, Ocean Chemistry and Impact of Ocean Acidification on Marine Life Teaching Module A set of hands-on laboratory activities that uses the pH scale to understand the changes in ocean chemistry due to increased carbon dioxide emissions. This module shows that increased ocean acidification has adverse effects on marine organisms. This teaching module will […]

What is Cli-Fi?

What is Cli-Fi? Video A video by Stephanie LeMenager, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, that discusses the genre of climate fiction (Cli-Fi). The video introduces this new genre of writing and includes definitions by contemporary artists, authors and filmmakers. This video further highlights new sub-genres such as ‘anthropocene fiction’ and ‘solar punk’ that have their origins […]

Amitav Ghosh on the Politics of Climate Change

Amitav Ghosh on the Politics of Climate Change Video A video lecture by Amitav Ghosh, author of ‘The Great Derangement: Fiction, History, and Politics in the Age of Global Warming’ as part of a 4 part lecture series delivered at the University of Chicago’s Randy L. & Melvin R. Berlin Family Lectures. In this video […]


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