The Food System and Climate Change
The Food System and Climate Change Teaching Module A teaching module to understand the two-way relationship between the food system and climate change. Students will learn about climate change and the specific impacts of climate change on agriculture. They will also discuss actions to reduce the impact of the food system on climate change. Use […]
Psychology of Climate Denial
Psychology of Climate Denial Audio This is an audio podcast of The Guardian on the psychology of climate science denial. This tool discusses psychological barriers and cognitive biases that determine individual responses to climate change. Students will learn about the cognitive biases that play a pivotal role in climate science denial such as Confirmation Bias […]
Gender Dimensions of Human Health and Climate Change
Gender Dimensions of Human Health and Climate Change Reading A reading by the World Health Organization titled ‘Gender, Climate Change and Health’ that discusses the gender dimensions of human health and climate change. Using specific climatic events such as heatwaves and flooding, the reading discusses some direct and indirect health issues that impact men and […]
Climate Change and Society
Climate Change and Society Video A video lecture that discusses how the social sciences have evolved to address issues of climate change by D. Parthasarathy. This video lecture is part 1 of a 2-part lecture series titled ‘Climate Change and Society: Culture, Politics, And Social Dynamics’ of a MOOC. This MOOC has been developed by […]
Culture, Politics and Climate Change
Culture, Politics and Climate Change Video A video lecture that discusses the link between politics, culture and climate change by D. Parthasarthy. This video lecture is part 2 of a 2-part lecture series titled ‘Climate Change and Society: Culture, Politics, And Social Dynamics’ of a MOOC. This MOOC has been developed by the National Resource […]
International Climate Change Policy
International Climate Change Policy Video A video lecture that discusses international climate change policy and governance by Navroz Dubash, Center for Policy Research. This video lecture is part 1 of a 2-part lecture series titled ‘Climate Change: Policy and Governance: Global Negotiations and Domestic Policy Making’ of a MOOC. This MOOC has been developed by […]
India’s Climate Change Policies
India’s Climate Change Policies Video A video lecture on India’s climate change policies and governance by Navroz Dubash, Center for Policy Research. This video lecture is part 2 of a 2-part lecture series titled ‘Climate Change: Policy and Governance: Global Negotiations and Domestic Policy Making’ of a MOOC. This MOOC has been developed by the […]
Teaching Climate Change in the Sociology Classroom
Teaching Climate Change in the Sociology Classroom Video Teaching module of resources and activities that accompanies ‘The Teacher-Friendly Guide™ to Climate Change’ edited by Ingrid H. H. Zabel, Don Duggan-Haas, & Robert M. Ross,the Paleontological Research Institution. This teaching module includes videos and classroom/laboratory activities on the following topics Societal causes of climate change Causes […]
Societal Impacts of Climate Change
Societal Impacts of Climate Change Video A video by The Knowledge Exchange that discusses the impacts of climate change on society. This video was excerpted from an edX course, “Making Sense of Climate Change Denial” . It includes discussions by various experts on direct and immediate societal impacts of climate change and on development, production, […]
Climate Change in the Social Sciences Classroom
Climate Change in the Social Sciences Classroom Reading An article titled ‘Climate Change in the Social Studies Classroom: A “Why” and “How to” Guide Using the C3 Framework’ by Lori M Kumler and Bethany Vosburg-Bluem published in the journal Social Education of the National Council for the Social Studies. This reading uses the C3 framework […]