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Climate Change and Food Webs

Climate Change and Food Webs Video A video of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Biointeractive that describes the threats of climate change on the ecosystem of the Yellowstone National Park, USA. In this video, Elizabeth Hadley, Stanford University, discusses how climate change can lead to changes in habitats and species interactions. Students will learn […]

Melting Ice Sheets and Sea Level

Melting Ice Sheets and Sea Level Model/Simulation An interactive Model/Simulation to explore the effects of melting ice sheets and the resulting sea level rise on coastal areas. Students will configure parameters related to glacial melt in Antarctica and/or Greenland, and will observe the effects of sea level rise on selected coastal regions in the U.S. […]

Glaciers and Climate Change

Glaciers and Climate Change Model/Simulation An interactive Model/Simulation to explore the effects of melting ice sheets and the resulting sea level rise on coastal areas. Students will configure parameters related to glacial melt in Antarctica and/or Greenland, and will observe the effects of sea level rise on selected coastal regions in the U.S. Use this […]

Post-pandemic Economic Policies

Post-pandemic Economic Policies Reading A reading by Carbon Brief explaining how countries around the world design economic policies for a ‘green recovery’ from the recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic, by reducing carbon emissions while boosting their economies. Students will be introduced to terms such as green recovery, green stimulus, and quantitative easing, among others. […]

The Effects of Sea-level Rise on the Coast of California

The Effects of Sea-level Rise on the Coast of California Model/Simulation An interactive Model/Simulation to observe and understand the possible effects of sea-level rise and different storm scenarios on the coast of California. Students will configure parameters such as the amount of sea-level rise and the frequency of storm scenarios to observe the corresponding effects […]

Naomi Klein discusses ‘This Changes Everything’

Naomi Klein discusses ‘This Changes Everything’ Video A video by award-winning journalist, author and filmmaker, Naomi Klein, at the Cambridge Forum about her book titled, ‘This Changes Everything’. In this video, Naomi Klein summarizes her book and explains why she thinks that capitalism is the real cause for climate change. Students will learn how capitalism, […]

The COVID-19 Pandemic, Recession and Economic Policies

The COVID-19 Pandemic, Recession and Economic Policies Reading A reading by Carbon Brief explaining how countries around the world design economic policies for a ‘green recovery’ from the recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic, by reducing carbon emissions while boosting their economies. Students will be introduced to terms such as green recovery, green stimulus, and […]

pH Scale, Ocean Chemistry and Impact of Ocean Acidification on Marine Life

pH Scale, Ocean Chemistry and Impact of Ocean Acidification on Marine Life Teaching Module A set of hands-on laboratory activities that uses the pH scale to understand the changes in ocean chemistry due to increased carbon dioxide emissions. This module shows that increased ocean acidification has adverse effects on marine organisms. This teaching module will […]

Precipitation Patterns and Climate Change

Precipitation Patterns and Climate Change Video A video micro-lecture by Jeff Dozier, University of California, Santa Barbara, that explains how climate change can affect the water cycle on Earth. Students will learn that rising temperatures can affect and change precipitation patterns. They will further understand how such changes can potentially affect communities through examples from […]

Climate Change, the Environment, and Human Health

Climate Change, the Environment, and Human Health Teaching Module A teaching module to learn about the impacts of climate change on human health, and to discuss climate adaptation and mitigation measures that would reduce these health-related risks. Students will apply systems thinking to learn about the changing climatic conditions on Earth; the effects of a […]


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