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pH Levels of Oceans and Atmospheric CO2

pH Levels of Oceans and Atmospheric CO2 visualization A visualization that allows students to explore changes in the pH levels of oceans for different levels of atmospheric CO2. It includes visualization of CO2 concentrations corresponding to various emission scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The simulation enables students to visualise the global […]

Water Vapour Feedback and Earth’s Climate

Water Vapour Feedback and Earth’s Climate Reading A reading that explains the phase diagrams of water on Earth, Mars, and Venus and discusses the water vapor feedback mechanism in the atmospheres of these planets that influences the greenhouse effect. Students will be able to explain the concept of water vapor feedback on Earth’s atmosphere by […]

Statistical Methods to Determine Trends in Hurricane Intensity

Statistical Methods to Determine Trends in Hurricane Intensity Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to learn about linear slope, trends, confidence intervals, and Student’s t-distribution by calculating trends and uncertainties using hurricane data records over 40 years. Using hurricane-related data for the Atlantic Ocean, students will plot graphs and determine trends by calculating linear slope. They […]

T-tests and Climate Data

T-tests and Climate Data Teaching Module A teaching module by Wendy Van Norden, University of Wisconsin, that makes the use of T-tests to analyse dataset to study seasonal ice cover over Lake Mendota, US, to understand how climate change has impacted ice cover over 160 years. This teaching module will have the following outcomes: Students […]

Sea Level Rise

Sea Level Rise Video This video describes sea-level rise due to climate change and flooding risks in coastal communities. About Tool Tool Name Rising Sea Levels — Changing Plane Discipline Earth Sciences, Geography, Environmental Sciences  Topic(s) in Discipline Recent Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, Disasters, Disasters and Hazards, Hydrosphere, Floods, Coastal Communities Climate Topic Climate […]

Hurricanes and Climate Change

Hurricanes and Climate Change Reading A reading to learn about what affects hurricane activity and the measures that can help in building resilience to the impacts of hurricanes. Students will read about the effects of warmer sea surface temperatures and sea-level rise on hurricanes. They will also discuss changes in the frequency and intensity of […]

Changes in Intensity and Frequency of Hurricanes

Changes in Intensity and Frequency of Hurricanes Reading A reading to learn about recent changes in hurricane activity, specifically in the Atlantic. Students will read about changes in Atlantic storm activity, factors that affect hurricane intensity and frequency, and the impact of global climate change on these factors Use this tool to help your students […]

Glacial Retreat in Glacier National Park

Glacial Retreat in Glacier National Park Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity that introduces the relationship between climate and the cryosphere, explains how sea-level rise can be predicted (based on average global temperature change), and triggers a discussion on the potential impacts of sea-level rise. In this activity, students will examine actual data for projected sea-level […]

Climate Change, the Cryosphere, and Rising Sea Levels

Climate Change, the Cryosphere, and Rising Sea Levels Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity that introduces the relationship between climate and the cryosphere, explains how sea-level rise can be predicted (based on average global temperature change), and triggers a discussion on the potential impacts of sea-level rise. In this activity, students will examine actual data for […]


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