Post-pandemic Economic Policies
Post-pandemic Economic Policies Reading A reading by Carbon Brief explaining how countries around the world design economic policies for a ‘green recovery’ from the recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic, by reducing carbon emissions while boosting their economies. Students will be introduced to terms such as green recovery, green stimulus, and quantitative easing, among others. […]
Global Warming- A Negative Externality
Global Warming- A Negative Externality Video A short video by Hoesung Lee, Korea University and vice-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on carbon pricing and climate change. The video discusses the importance of putting a price on carbon emissions and related activities since climate change is an example of a global externality. […]
Introduction to Carbon Pricing
Introduction to Carbon Pricing Reading A reading by the World Bank Group that introduces what is carbon pricing and discusses the link between carbon pricing and climate change policies. The reading includes sections on Main types of carbon pricing International carbon pricing Regional, national and subnational carbon pricing Internal carbon pricing How to do carbon […]
The Global Climate Change Game
The Global Climate Change Game Classroom/Laboratory Activity An interactive classroom activity ‘The Global Climate Change Game’ by James Copestake and Tom Ellum, University of Bath, that applies theoretical economic concepts in the context of climate change. The game involves role-play by students to climate change negotiations between countries influenced by ethics and morals. The […]
Pollution Permits and Opportunity Costs
Pollution Permits and Opportunity Costs Reading A reading by Holt et al. in the International Review of Economics Education, provided by The Economics Network, UK, that can be used for a classroom/laboratory activity to teach your students to identify and account for opportunity costs in production decisions. Students will learn about opportunity costs and tradable […]
Overview of Carbon Pricing
Overview of Carbon Pricing Audio An audio conversation with Christopher Knittel, MIT, about carbon pricing and its impact on individual lifestyle. This audio podcast looks at the complexities of carbon pricing, its type, approximate individual cost and public policy around it. Students will learn about the basics of carbon pricing and be introduced to carbon […]
Climate Change- A Market Failure
Climate Change- A Market Failure Reading A reading titled ‘Why do economists describe climate change as a market failure?’ by Alex Bowen, Simon Dietz and Naomi Hicks, that discusses how since climate change does not maximise societal welfare, it is a market failure. The reading focuses on the ‘greenhouse-gas externality’ that describes the indirect impact […]
Climate Change, the Economy, and Society
Climate Change, the Economy, and Society Model/Simulation A model/simulation to understand the relationships between climate change, economics, and social factors. Students will customise parameters related to policy (such as emissions-related tax or treaty), climate (such as levels of climate sensitivity and harm), and economy (such as growth and energy efficiency) to observe the corresponding effects […]
Economics and Global Climate Change
Economics and Global Climate Change Reading A reading to learn about the economic analysis of climate change, and various economic policies for climate change adaptation and mitigation. Students will read about and discuss topics on the economics of global climate change. These topics include trends and projections for global climate, cost-benefit studies of global climate […]
Air Travel and Carbon Offset
Air Travel and Carbon Offset Audio/Reading A short audio and reading by MPR News on ‘Carbon Offset’ that gives an overview of what carbon offsets mean and how you can purchase them. It talks about the emission reduction that is linked to the travel industry through the principle of carbon credit. Students will learn about […]