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Population, Gender and Climate Change

Population, Gender and Climate Change Reading A short introductory reading from the GenderCC Women for Climate Justice website that summarizes gender dimensions of population growth and climate change. This reading is part of a larger study on the gender dimensions of climate change in several sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity, consumption, disaster, energy, forests, health, […]

Tourism, Gender and Climate Change

Tourism, Gender and Climate Change Reading A short introductory reading from the GenderCC Women for Climate Justice website that summarizes gender dimensions of tourism and climate change. This reading is part of a larger study on the gender dimensions of climate change in several sectors such as agriculture, biodiversity, consumption, disaster, energy, forests, health, migration, […]

Teaching Climate Change in the Sociology Classroom

Teaching Climate Change in the Sociology Classroom Video Teaching module of resources and activities that accompanies ‘The Teacher-Friendly Guide™ to Climate Change’ edited by Ingrid H. H. Zabel, Don Duggan-Haas, & Robert M. Ross,the Paleontological Research Institution. This teaching module includes videos and classroom/laboratory activities on the following topics Societal causes of climate change Causes […]

Climate Adaptation and Mitigation

Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Teaching Module A teaching module titled ‘Adaptation and Mitigation’ from the e-learning course titled ‘Earth in the Future’ developed by Timothy Bralower and David Bice, The Pennsylvania State University. This module discusses the various mitigation and adaptation strategies and discusses what can be done about climate change. This topic is listed […]

Post-pandemic Economic Policies

Post-pandemic Economic Policies Reading A reading by Carbon Brief explaining how countries around the world design economic policies for a ‘green recovery’ from the recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic, by reducing carbon emissions while boosting their economies. Students will be introduced to terms such as green recovery, green stimulus, and quantitative easing, among others. […]

Introduction to Carbon Pricing

Introduction to Carbon Pricing Reading A reading by the World Bank Group that introduces what is carbon pricing and discusses the link between carbon pricing and climate change policies. The reading includes sections on Main types of carbon pricing International carbon pricing Regional, national and subnational carbon pricing Internal carbon pricing How to do carbon […]

Climate-Informed Development to Mitigate Global Poverty

Climate-Informed Development to Mitigate Global Poverty Reading A feature story on a comprehensive report by the World Bank that describes the threat of climate change to poor people and the ways to offset it through adaptation and mitigation strategies. The students will view an embedded video to understand the need for policies to manage the […]

Economic Recovery post COVID-19

Economic Recovery post COVID-19 Reading: A policy brief by The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Policy and the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP), University of Leeds on the significance of carbon pricing for reducing carbon emissions in the context of post COVID-19 pandemic […]

The Global Climate Change Game

The Global Climate Change Game Classroom/Laboratory Activity An interactive classroom activity ‘The Global Climate Change Game’ by James Copestake and Tom Ellum, University of Bath, that applies theoretical economic concepts in the context of climate change. The game involves role-play by students to understand.international climate change negotiations between countries influenced by ethics and morals. The […]

Climate Change, the Economy, and Society

Climate Change, the Economy, and Society Model/Simulation A model/simulation to understand the relationships between climate change, economics, and social factors. Students will customise parameters related to policy (such as emissions-related tax or treaty), climate (such as levels of climate sensitivity and harm), and economy (such as growth and energy efficiency) to observe the corresponding effects […]


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