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Regression Analysis of Global Temperature Data

Regression Analysis of Global Temperature Data Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to learn about regression analysis of data by using global temperature data over a period of 150 years. Students will plot global mean temperatures, perform regression analysis, and determine global mean temperature anomalies. Use this tool to help your students find answers to: Perform […]

Linear Regression using Global Temperatures

Linear Regression using Global Temperatures Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/lab activity for Statistics teachers to teach about Linear Regression. This activity is based on a dataset on average global temperature anomalies from 1850 to 2019. Students will learn about introductory linear regression techniques and will learn to make scatter plots of the data provided. This tool […]

Modelling the Earth’s Zonal Energy Balance

Modelling the Earth’s Zonal Energy Balance Classroom/Laboratory Activity A laboratory activity to create an energy balance model for planet Earth and obtain numerical solutions for the differential equations in the model. Students will write code (using MATLAB or Mathematica) to model the distribution of the Earth’s surface temperature in response to increasing carbon emissions in […]

World Petroleum Consumption

World Petroleum Consumption Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/ laboratory activity titled, ‘World Petroleum Consumption’ from Sustainability Math by Thomas J. Pfaff, Ithaca College, USA, to teach integration using a hands-on computer-based classroom activity that includes world petroleum consumption data from 1980 to 2016. This data is provided in an Excel spreadsheet. The classroom activity also includes […]

Differentiation and Wind Energy

Differentiation and Wind Energy Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/ laboratory activity titled, ‘Wind Energy by Selected Countries and World’ from Sustainability Math by Thomas J. Pfaff, Ithaca College, USA, to teach polynomial and logistic differentiation using a hands-on computer-based classroom activity that includes wind energy production data of several countries from 1980 to 2016. This data […]

Teaching Differentiating Functions through Solar Energy Data

Teaching Differentiating Functions through Solar Energy Data Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/ laboratory activity titled, ‘Country Photovoltaic Energy Production’ from Sustainability Math by Thomas J. Pfaff, Ithaca College, USA, to teach differentiating functions – logistic and exponential, using a hands-on computer-based classroom activity that includes data of photovoltaic (solar) energy production of several countries from 1990 […]

Differential Calculus using Methane Data

Differential Calculus using Methane Data Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity for Mathematics teachers to teach about Differential Calculus, specifically, about polynomial differentiation focusing on Tangent Line Problem and Curve Fitting. This activity contains yearly data of the globally averaged marine surface methane from 1984 to 2019. Methane is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions […]

Meteorologist for a day

Meteorologist for a day Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to calculate the mean daily temperature using hourly temperature data and to compare different statistical techniques for determining this value. Students will use a given data set to calculate the mean daily temperature of a location, as determined by a meteorologist. They will also discuss weather […]

Using Polynomial Differentiation to Analyze Global Atmospheric CO2

Using Polynomial Differentiation to Analyze Global Atmospheric CO2 Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to learn and apply polynomial differentiation and to solve tangent line problems for global average CO2 data. Students will observe the trend in increasing atmospheric CO2 levels, infer when atmospheric CO2 levels could cause global temperatures to increase by 2 °C (potentially […]

Using Introductory Calculus (Integration) to Analyze CO2 Emission Data

Using Introductory Calculus (Integration) to Analyze CO2 Emission Data Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to analyze CO2 emissions data by using Riemann sums for the calculation of area under the curve. Students will use calculus and compare CO2 emissions for the U.S. and China, based on emission and population data for the period 1980-2015. They […]


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