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Differentiation and Wind Energy

Differentiation and Wind Energy Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/ laboratory activity titled, ‘Wind Energy by Selected Countries and World’ from Sustainability Math by Thomas J. Pfaff, Ithaca College, USA, to teach polynomial and logistic differentiation using a hands-on computer-based classroom activity that includes wind energy production data of several countries from 1980 to 2016. This data […]

Teaching Polynomial Differentiation with Arctic Sea Ice Data

Teaching Polynomial Differentiation with Arctic Sea Ice Data Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/ laboratory activity titled, ‘Arctic Sea Ice’ from Sustainability Math by Thomas J. Pfaff, Ithaca College, USA, to teach introductory derivatives, polynomial differentiation, and the application of derivatives. This hands-on computer-based classroom activity consists of datasets of Arctic Ice Data (1980-2017). This classroom activity […]

Polynomial Differentiation Using Temperature Data

Polynomial Differentiation Using Temperature Data Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/ laboratory activity titled, ‘Global Average Temperature’ from Sustainability Math by Thomas J. Pfaff, Ithaca College, USA, to teach derivatives and polynomial differentiation using global average temperature data. This classroom/laboratory activity uses NASA’s data of global annual mean surface air temperature from 1950 to 2018. This data […]

Using Polynomial Differentiation to Analyze Global Atmospheric CO2

Using Polynomial Differentiation to Analyze Global Atmospheric CO2 Classroom/Laboratory Activity A classroom/laboratory activity to learn and apply polynomial differentiation and to solve tangent line problems for global average CO2 data. Students will observe the trend in increasing atmospheric CO2 levels, infer when atmospheric CO2 levels could cause global temperatures to increase by 2 °C (potentially […]

Teaching Introductory Calculus (Differentiation) using Atmospheric CO2 Data

Teaching Introductory Calculus (Differentiation) using Atmospheric CO2 Data Overview As a high school or undergraduate  Mathematics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching topics such as Differentiation, Derivatives of Polynomials, and Tangent Line Problems in Introductory Calculus. This lesson plan allows students to perform polynomial differentiation and solve tangent line problems using climate data such as atmospheric […]

Teaching Polynomial Differentiation using Global Average Temperature Data

Teaching Polynomial Differentiation using Global Average Temperature Data Overview As a high school or undergraduate Mathematics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching introductory differential calculus and specifically polynomial differentiation. This lesson plan will allow you to teach introductory derivatives and differentiation. The lesson plan includes a hands-on […]

Polynomial and Logistic Differentiation using Global Wind Energy Production Data

Polynomial and Logistic Differentiation using Global Wind Energy Production Data Overview As a high school or undergraduate Mathematics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching introductory differential calculus and specifically about polynomial and logistic differentiation and the use of the Quotient (or Product) Rule. This lesson plan will allow you to teach polynomial and logistic differentiation using […]

Logistic and Exponential Differentiation using Solar Energy Data

Logistic and Exponential Differentiation using Solar Energy Data Overview As a high school or undergraduate Mathematics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching introductory differential calculus; specifically, about differentiating logistic and exponential functions and the use of the Quotient (or Product) Rule. This lesson plan will allow you to teach differentiating functions- logistic and exponential, using a […]


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