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Climate Change: A Guide For Teachers Of All Disciplines

Climate Change: A Guide For Teachers Of All Disciplines Online Course Two online courses (MOOCs) developed by Rahul Chopra, TROP ICSU and IISER Pune on Climate Change: Science, Impacts, and Policy and Teaching Climate Change. These courses were developed through the National Resource Centre (NRC) on Climate Change at the Indian Institute of Science Education […]

Climate Change Mathematics by NASA

Climate Change Mathematics by NASA Teaching Module A teaching module by NASA makes the use of basic mathematics, algebra, geometry, trigonometric functions and statistics to understand earth science and climate change. This teaching module consists of a range of topics, for different grade levels, and relates them to mathematical modelling. The topic covered are as […]

Climate Change – The Teacher Friendly Guide

Climate Change – The Teacher Friendly Guide Reading A reading titled ‘The Teacher Friendly Guide to Climate Change’ edited by Ingrid H. H. Zabel, Don Duggan-Haas, & Robert M. Ross,the Paleontological Research Institution. This book includes the following chapters: 1. Why Teach About Climate Change? by Don Duggan-Haas Why Teaching About Climate Change Matters Science […]

Teach Climate Science with the Teacher Friendly Guide To Climate Change

Teach Climate Science with the Teacher Friendly Guide To Climate Change Teaching Module Teaching module of resources and activities that accompanies ‘The Teacher-Friendly Guide™ to Climate Change’ edited by Ingrid H. H. Zabel, Don Duggan-Haas, & Robert M. Ross,the Paleontological Research Institution. This teaching module includes videos and classroom/laboratory activities on the following topics 1.  […]

Data Science: Linear and Polynomial Regression

Data Science: Linear and Polynomial Regression Overview As an undergraduate Mathematics or Data Science teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching Introductory Statistics and specifically Linear Regression and Polynomial Regression. This lesson plan will help you to teach Introductory Statistics for Data Science through a Linear Regression and […]

Teaching Introductory Calculus (Differentiation) using Atmospheric CO2 Data

Teaching Introductory Calculus (Differentiation) using Atmospheric CO2 Data Overview As a high school or undergraduate  Mathematics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching topics such as Differentiation, Derivatives of Polynomials, and Tangent Line Problems in Introductory Calculus. This lesson plan allows students to perform polynomial differentiation and solve tangent line problems using climate data such as atmospheric […]

Teaching Introductory Calculus (Integration) by using CO2 Emissions Data

Teaching Introductory Calculus (Integration) by using CO2 Emissions Data Overview As a high school or undergraduate Mathematics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching topics such as integration, definite integral, area under a curve, and Riemann sum in Introductory Calculus. This lesson plan allows students to understand Riemann sum, calculate the area under a curve using […]

Trigonometry and Sea Level Rise

Trigonometry and Sea Level Rise Overview As a High School Mathematics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach basic trigonometry. Global warming is causing glaciers and ice sheets to melt thus causing sea levels to rise. The rate of sea level rise is a few millimeters per year. While this may […]

Basic Data Handling Using Climate Data

Basic Data Handling Using Climate Data Overview As a Primary and Middle School Mathematics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to teach your students the basics of data handling using climate data. This lesson plan can be used to introduce your students to data handling, data representation and interpretation using weather and […]

Teaching Polynomial Differentiation using Global Average Temperature Data

Teaching Polynomial Differentiation using Global Average Temperature Data Overview As a high school or undergraduate Mathematics teacher, you can use this set of computer-based tools to help you in teaching introductory differential calculus and specifically polynomial differentiation. This lesson plan will allow you to teach introductory derivatives and differentiation. The lesson plan includes a hands-on […]


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