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Climate Change and Society

Climate Change and Society Video A video lecture that discusses how the social sciences have evolved to address issues of climate change by D. Parthasarathy. This video lecture is part 1 of a 2-part lecture series titled ‘Climate Change and Society: Culture, Politics, And Social Dynamics’ of a MOOC. This MOOC has been developed by […]

Culture, Politics and Climate Change

Culture, Politics and Climate Change Video A video lecture that discusses the link between politics, culture and climate change by D. Parthasarthy. This video lecture is part 2 of a 2-part lecture series titled ‘Climate Change and Society: Culture, Politics, And Social Dynamics’ of a MOOC. This MOOC has been developed by the National Resource […]

International Climate Change Policy

International Climate Change Policy Video A video lecture that discusses international climate change policy and governance by Navroz Dubash, Center for Policy Research. This video lecture is part 1 of a 2-part lecture series titled ‘Climate Change: Policy and Governance: Global Negotiations and Domestic Policy Making’ of a MOOC. This MOOC has been developed by […]

India’s Climate Change Policies

India’s Climate Change Policies Video A video lecture on India’s climate change policies and governance by Navroz Dubash, Center for Policy Research. This video lecture is part 2 of a 2-part lecture series titled ‘Climate Change: Policy and Governance: Global Negotiations and Domestic Policy Making’ of a MOOC. This MOOC has been developed by the […]

Safeguarding Human Rights in the Context of Climate Change

Safeguarding Human Rights in the Context of Climate Change Reading A reading to learn about the effects of climate change on human rights, governmental responsibility in addressing these human rights issues, assessment of actions implemented, and recommendations on integrating human rights considerations with climate adaptation and mitigation actions. Students will read about, understand, and discuss […]

Who Is Responsible for Climate Change? Who Needs to Fix It?

Who Is Responsible for Climate Change? Who Needs to Fix It? Video This video gives an overview of global climate change, historical and annual carbon emissions, and biggest and smallest contributors to the emissions. This video is part of a series about climate change supported by Breakthrough Energy. About Tool Tool Name Video: Who Is […]

Post-pandemic Economic Policies

Post-pandemic Economic Policies Reading A reading by Carbon Brief explaining how countries around the world design economic policies for a ‘green recovery’ from the recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic, by reducing carbon emissions while boosting their economies. Students will be introduced to terms such as green recovery, green stimulus, and quantitative easing, among others. […]

Impact of Climate Change on Cities

Impact of Climate Change on Cities Online Course An e-learning course to understand how cities are impacted by and influence climate change. Students will learn about how urban areas contribute to climate change, how climate change affects cities, and how climate change adaptation and mitigation can be included in urban planning. Use this tool to […]

Introduction to Carbon Pricing

Introduction to Carbon Pricing Reading A reading by the World Bank Group that introduces what is carbon pricing and discusses the link between carbon pricing and climate change policies. The reading includes sections on Main types of carbon pricing International carbon pricing Regional, national and subnational carbon pricing Internal carbon pricing How to do carbon […]

Economic Recovery post COVID-19

Economic Recovery post COVID-19 Reading: A policy brief by The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Policy and the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP), University of Leeds on the significance of carbon pricing for reducing carbon emissions in the context of post COVID-19 pandemic […]


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