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Climate Solutions for the Transport Sector

Climate Solutions for the Transport Sector Video A video playlist titled ‘CS – Drawdown – 7 – Transport’ from the ‘Murtugudde Climate Academy’ by Dr. Raghu Murtugudde. It consists of 11 short video lectures that summarise climate solutions for the Transport Sector. The solutions are based on the book titled ‘Drawdown’ edited by Paul Hawken. […]

Climate Solutions for the Forestry Sector

Climate Solutions for the Forestry Sector Video A video playlist titled ‘CS – Drawdown – 6 – Land Use’ from the ‘Murtugudde Climate Academy’ by Dr. Raghu Murtugudde. It consists of 9 short video lectures that summarise climate solutions from the Forestry Sector. The solutions are based on the book titled ‘Drawdown’ edited by Paul […]

Climate Solutions for Buildings and Cities

Climate Solutions for Buildings and Cities Video A video playlist titled ‘CS – Drawdown – 5 – Buildings and Cities’ from the ‘Murtugudde Climate Academy’ by Dr. Raghu Murtugudde. It consists of 14 short video lectures that summarise climate solutions for the Infrastructure & Urban Planning Sector. The solutions are based on the book titled […]

Climate Solutions for the Food Sector

Climate Solutions for the Food Sector Video A video playlist titled ‘CS – Drawdown – 3 – Food’ from the ‘Murtugudde Climate Academy’ by Dr. Raghu Murtugudde. It consists of 16 short video lectures that summarise climate solutions for the Food Sector. The solutions are based on the book titled ‘Drawdown’ edited by Paul Hawken. […]

Climate Solutions for the Energy Sector

Climate Solutions for the Energy Sector Video A video playlist titled ‘CS – Drawdown – 2 – Energy’ from the ‘Murtugudde Climate Academy’ by Dr. Raghu Murtugudde. It consists of 21 short video lectures that summarise climate solutions for the Energy Sector. The solutions are based on the book titled ‘Drawdown’ edited by Paul Hawken. […]

Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change Part 1

Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change Part 1 Reading A reading from the ‘Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change’ by economist Nicholas Stern for the Government of the United Kingdom which contains a compilation of the scientific evidence of human caused climate change, its analysis through economic theory, and discussion on possible alternatives […]

Post-pandemic Economic Policies

Post-pandemic Economic Policies Reading A reading by Carbon Brief explaining how countries around the world design economic policies for a ‘green recovery’ from the recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic, by reducing carbon emissions while boosting their economies. Students will be introduced to terms such as green recovery, green stimulus, and quantitative easing, among others. […]

Economic Recovery post COVID-19

Economic Recovery post COVID-19 Reading: A policy brief by The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Policy and the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP), University of Leeds on the significance of carbon pricing for reducing carbon emissions in the context of post COVID-19 pandemic […]

Shadow Price and Social Cost of Carbon

Shadow Price and Social Cost of Carbon Reading A reading titled ‘The Social Cost of Carbon and the Shadow Price of Carbon’ by Richard Price, Simeon Thornton and Stephen Nelson Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), London, that discusses the topics of social cost of carbon (SCC) and shadow pricing of carbon (SPC) […]

Capitalism and Global Warming

Capitalism and Global Warming Reading A reading by Jonathan T. Park, University of Utah, that discusses the link between climate change and capitalism. This reading discusses how consumer ideology in a capitalist society results in the overproduction and overconsumption of goods. It includes discussions on exploitation of natural resources, high energy expenditure, excess waste production […]


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