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Has Humanity Pushed Earth into a New Geological Epoch: the “Anthropocene?”

Has Humanity Pushed Earth into a New Geological Epoch: the “Anthropocene?” Audio In this audio podcast from the Climate History Podcast, “Professor Dagomar Degroot interviews Professor John McNeill (Georgetown University) about the Anthropocene: the proposed geological epoch in which Earth’s environment is most profoundly shaped by humanity.” About Tool Tool Name Has Humanity Pushed Earth […]

Climate Solutions for Buildings and Cities

Climate Solutions for Buildings and Cities Video A video playlist titled ‘CS – Drawdown – 5 – Buildings and Cities’ from the ‘Murtugudde Climate Academy’ by Dr. Raghu Murtugudde. It consists of 14 short video lectures that summarise climate solutions for the Infrastructure & Urban Planning Sector. The solutions are based on the book titled […]

The Climate Minute Podcast

The Climate Minute Podcast Audio Ted McIntyre in conversation with D.R. Tucker discussing public health risks of climate change following the release of ‘The Climate and Health Assessment’ Report from the White House (USA). About Tool Tool Name Public Health and Public Wealth: The Climate Minute Podcast Discipline Environmental Sciences, Biological Sciences, Social Sciences Topic(s) […]

Climate solutions and the Role of Women

Climate solutions and the Role of Women Video A video playlist titled ‘CS – Drawdown – 4 – Women and Girls’ from the ‘Murtugudde Climate Academy’ by Dr. Raghu Murtugudde. It consists of 3 short video lectures that summarise climate solutions from a Gender perspective, specifically, the role of women in climate mitigation and resilience. […]

Climate Change and Bird Migration

Climate Change and Bird Migration Audio This short audio podcast discusses shifts in bird migration patterns due to climate change. It discusses bird species native to Wisconsin and changes in their migratory patterns. About Tool Tool Name Bird populations shift north as climate changes Discipline Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences Topic(s) in Discipline Bird Migration Climate […]

Climate Solutions for the Food Sector

Climate Solutions for the Food Sector Video A video playlist titled ‘CS – Drawdown – 3 – Food’ from the ‘Murtugudde Climate Academy’ by Dr. Raghu Murtugudde. It consists of 16 short video lectures that summarise climate solutions for the Food Sector. The solutions are based on the book titled ‘Drawdown’ edited by Paul Hawken. […]

Climate Change and Human Health in the United States

Climate Change and Human Health in the United States Reading This reading resource contains several modules and case studies on climate change and its impact on human health. Chapters (available for download or to read online ) include Temperature-related Death and Illness; Air Quality Impacts; Vector-Borne Diseases; Water-Related Illness; Food Safety; Mental Health and Well-Being […]

Risk of Bird Extinction

Risk of Bird Extinction Reading An article from National Geographic about how climate change may pose a risk of extinction to more than half of North American birds (also includes visuals of the data from National Audubon Society for some bird species). About Tool Tool Name Climate Change May Put Half of North American Birds […]

NASA Climate Games

NASA Climate Games Game NASA Climate Kids contains a collection of online games such as Coral Bleaching, Meet the Greenhouse Gases, Play OFFSET!, Play Power Up!, Slyder: The Art of Weather, Missions to Planet Earth, Wild Weather Adventure, and Whirlwind Disaster. About Tool Tool Name NASA Climate Kids Discipline Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geography Topic(s) […]

Climate Solutions for the Energy Sector

Climate Solutions for the Energy Sector Video A video playlist titled ‘CS – Drawdown – 2 – Energy’ from the ‘Murtugudde Climate Academy’ by Dr. Raghu Murtugudde. It consists of 21 short video lectures that summarise climate solutions for the Energy Sector. The solutions are based on the book titled ‘Drawdown’ edited by Paul Hawken. […]


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