Climate Consciousness in the National Constitution: Bhutan at the Forefront
Climate Consciousness in the National Constitution: Bhutan at the Forefront Overview As a Humanities or Social Sciences high school or undergraduate teacher, you can use
Climate Consciousness in the National Constitution: Bhutan at the Forefront Overview As a Humanities or Social Sciences high school or undergraduate teacher, you can use
Climate Change and Human Health- Analysis and Policies Game A computer-based game to understand the impact of climate change on health and to determine actions/policies
Climate Solutions for Health and Education Sector Reading A short reading from ‘Project Drawdown’ that discusses climate solutions for the Health and Education Sector. It
Noam Chomsky on Climate Education Policy Video A video lecture by Dr. Noam Chomsky on Public Policy and Climate Change Education. This video discusses legislative
India’s Climate Change Policies Video A video lecture on India’s climate change policies and governance by Navroz Dubash, Center for Policy Research. This video lecture
Climate Change-related Human Migration-Policy Measures Audio An audio podcast to learn about climate change-related human migration and its outcomes, and to initiate a discussion on
Safeguarding Human Rights in the Context of Climate Change Reading A reading to learn about the effects of climate change on human rights, governmental responsibility
Ethics, Philosophy and Value Theory Video A video by John Broome, University of Oxford, on how ethics and philosophy impacts climate change policies. This video
International Climate Change Policy Video A video lecture that discusses international climate change policy and governance by Navroz Dubash, Center for Policy Research. This video
Overview of Carbon Pricing Audio An audio conversation with Christopher Knittel, MIT, about carbon pricing and its impact on individual lifestyle. This audio podcast looks
Willingness to Cooperate and Climate Policy Reading A reading titled ‘Cooperation in the Climate Commons’ by the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP),
Climate Change and Society Video A video lecture that discusses how the social sciences have evolved to address issues of climate change by D. Parthasarathy.
Willingness to Pay for Climate Stability Reading A review article by Evan Johnson and Gregory Nemet, Robert M. La Follete School of Public Affairs at
Climate Solutions for the Energy Sector Video A video playlist titled ‘CS – Drawdown – 2 – Energy’ from the ‘Murtugudde Climate Academy’ by Dr.
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in African Cities Online Course An e-learning course to understand the drivers and impacts of climate change in cities, and
Climate-Informed Development to Mitigate Global Poverty Reading A feature story on a comprehensive report by the World Bank that describes the threat of climate change
Poverty and Climate: An Inextricable Link Overview Overview As a High School or Undergraduate Economics or Social Sciences teacher, you can use this set of
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TROP ICSU is a project of the International Union of Biological Sciences and Centre for Sustainability, Environment and Climate Change, FLAME University.